[hider=Casey Fowler][hr][hr] [center][h1][color=Lavender]Casey Fowler[/color][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/788b8abbd6e9d74bfd78bd4f530108e477750697/687474703a2f2f322e62702e626c6f6773706f742e636f6d2f2d6c6537515745344a484e772f556d334c323838353542492f4141414141414141786a4d2f59496b7151744e457644772f73313630302f74756d626c725f6c65786e35686b6f7535317164746d776a6f315f3530302e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img] [color=Lavender][sub]"Where did I put that thing?! I swear it was in my hand!"[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Name: [indent]Casey Fowler[/indent] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Age: [indent]31[/indent] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Gender: [indent]Female[/indent] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Role: [indent]Broke Bride[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/DE8iGAPKPXu_h65PpteTRlBiZhB5OFARhdBVb9PzsHa-yoTPkBC7e8i8_W7SWgapWzOh623u2Yy9QKXlAeiwfhMOaoG1i9R7D-lgGaj5lLz3X9HtI1Y62n8hMxNxxyYRzCS9C6cn7AXxdkYECudKaLTPYF3KK24=w500-h282-nc[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=Lavender]•[/color]Sweet [color=Lavender]•[/color] Naïve[color=Lavender]•[/color] Doesn't judge a book by its cover [color=Lavender]•[/color] Easily hurt[color=Lavender]•[/color][/center] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Personality: [indent]What Casey lacks with her absent-minded and naïve nature she makes up in cheerfulness and sweetness. It's rare to see her with a soft smile playing upon her lips. She's a little over the place and loses things all the time. All sorts of things. Including her place. She claims that if losing things was a job she would be CEO by now. Growing up with very little Casey learnt rather early on the value of the heart over material items and not judging from the outside, both morals she takes seriously. She's a bit od a hopeless romantic and, when her heart is set on something, she'll go to the end of the world to achieve it. She is easily hurt despite the occasional bullying she received in school, perhaps that's why her fiance can't break things off with her.[/indent] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Hobbies & Interests: [indent][list][*] Reading/watching trashy romance books/movies [*] Reading in general [*] Tennis [*] Fund-raising, she wants to help those as poor as she once was [*] DIY[/list][/indent] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent][hider=Likes] [list][*] Books [*] Actually knowing where she put that thing [*] Music of all sorts [*] DIY projects, both doing and the results of hers or another's [*] Her friends both past and present [*] Her fiancé [*] Dancing, she's often askingher fiancé to dance with her[/list] [/hider] [hider=Dislikes] [list][*] Technology, of course she uses it but they don't get along [*] Cats, she's more of a dog person [*] Losing things (unfortunately she does all the time [*] Being alone/the idea of having no one [/list][/hider] [/indent] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Other: [indent][/indent] [center][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/nNX9kAV.gif[/img][hr][/center] [color=Lavender]•[/color] Biography: [indent]Casey's father, Michael, was deep in debt before she was born. Young and struggling to pay back student loans and much of the likes he rarely got by, at this point he was also an alcoholic. Casey was the result of a drunken one-night stand with a woman he had a couple of connections to. Upon finding out she had fallen pregnant she quickly got in contact with him. Finding a real reason to live Michael cleaned up the mess that was his life. He stopped drinking, found a job that gave him a small income, small was better than none, and although that debt continued to grow on him he was able to slowly pay it back. As for Casey's mother and him, they started dating. That all ended at Casey's birth. Almost instantly after recovering from the long birth Casey's mum walked out on them and left town, leaving Michael to raise a baby on his own. Growing up the pair barely scrapped through. Money was tight and the pair spent more than a couple days homeless, however, they got by. They had each other. Despite the lack of money Michael did quite a good job raising the young girl. Come time for her to go to school, however, Michael had trouble. Even schools that accepted students for nothing expected books upon books and stationery to a significant sum. That was when be met Mrs Deville who invited Casey into Rising Sun with open arms, leaving her father with a very small list of required supplies and handling the rest alone. Casey got on relatively well with the other students. Occasionally her financial situation would lead to teasing, especially come Christmas time or birthdays where, unlike most other students, she would give her fellow student handmade presents over brought ones. There was one guy though who never teased her for it, defended her on the occasion even. Over time Casey fell for him and fell hard until she mustered up the courage to ask him out. As time went Michael got his finances under control and the pair were no longer just scraping through. Given, they were not living an upper class life but they were earning enough to actually live and have everything they need. Inspired by Helen, Casey went on to do a course in teaching and eventually graduated to go into a job teaching English at the local state high school. All the while her love grew for her boyfriend, still the same guy as school, and eventually she asked him to marry her. [/indent] [/hider]