Naveen had paid a lot of coin to get a nice room with a nice man as far away from the main hall in the Blooming Rose. He had gained that coin fair and square by killing bandits and doing a few odd jobs for odd people. After having an excellent night with the man and drinking decent tasting ale, he'd expect to wake up with a minor hangover. He had planned to go out and get paid for the jobs he had done a few days before for some wealthy pissy noble. Instead, he woke up that morning laughter and shouting coming from down the hall and the man next to him gone. So much for morning cuddling and lazy lovemaking, now he would have to take care of himself. After finishing his business, the elf got up from the bed and washed his face and combed his hair thoroughly before getting dressed. He usually wore armor during the day. Kirkwall wasn't the safest place during the night or the day. Even Hightown had a problem with thieves. He liked showing off his armor and the large war hammer strapped to his back. It usually did the job on keeping unwanted people astray. "Why would they let some blasted shit eating patron be so loud at this time?" Naveen was sure that it wasn't morning, but he didn't care. He liked waking up to quietness and stillness. Being irritated made him break out sometimes, and he'd rather avoid that. He hadn't been able to buy any lotions for his face yet. After gathering his belongings and strapping his war hammer on his back, he left the room and headed downstairs. The sight in front of him was something like out of a dream. He'd seen one of those massive people with horns and weird colored skin before. They ended up close and personal with swords clinking against each other. Naveen was surprised he had even won against someone as big as that. Their large form did slow them down. Naveen had painted an image of them as humorless warriors. What he was witnessing right now was the complete opposite of what he had thought. The people around him seemed to be having fun, or at least pretending. The man probably had the money to be as loud as he wanted and drink as much as he wanted. He almost wanted to join. "I heard he's a captain." Naveen overheard some men talking behind him. "Said he was looking for a crew." The elf arched a perfect blond eyebrow and examined the so-called "captain". He wouldn't mind joining. He wanted out of Kirkwall one way or another, and he had made the mistake of wasting some of his coin last night. In the end, Naveen decided to stay back and put up with the loudness of the whole place. He noticed a few people already waiting to talk to him. The elf joined them but stayed back to observe them and the captain.