Posting for Jmerl [center][img][/img] [h1][color=Lime]Fadel Nobu[/color][/h1] [h3]Drum Island[/h3] [/center] [list] Interacting: [*][@BCTheEntity] [*][@Tmitche23] [*][@RyoRyoRyoken] [*][@Renny] [*][@LokiLEO789] [/list] [hr] Just as Fadel thought, the others thought it was a bad idea, but in the end, they all agreed to follow behind thier Captain. How could they not? They pledged thier loyalty to him, if he wanted them to follow, they would follow him, he found it unusual why Bogard asked anyway. Maybe he respected thier opinions, or chose to see them as human beings and not animals or slaves that he could command. That made him feel good inside, not because of Bogard regard for them, but in the way he chose to see them, not as subordinates, but as crew mates. It almost quenched is unending, undying will to find the man who destroyed his life, almost. Fadel followed after his crew, lost in his thoughts before the cold fridged air hit his unprotected body. He instantly regretted his decision, goosebumps eating at his arms and legs within a flash. Each step he took was hell as his slippered feet sunk into the cursed demon he called snow. In truth, Fadel had yet to see snow before today, and he immediately hated it, with a passion, occasionally showing his frustration with a kick or soundless roar. Soon, he found it difficult to keep up with his crew, quickly huffing and puffing after only walking a few feet away from the ship. As if on habit, a venus flytrap twice as large as he was grew under him, which began to carry him, pushing through the snow and rock that made up the island. Despite his slow pace, he eventually caught up to his crew, laying lazily upon his creation. As if he hit a barrier, his trap stopped in its tracks a few feet away from the man clad in a black suit, his back to him. He seemed to he conversing with Bogard, Dirk, and another man who looked familiar, clad in a suit. The tall man was poised, even battle ready, so was the other man. The tension in the air was palpable, so much so that it was as if his butter knife could cut it. Fadel stood upon his Trap, muscles taunt and ready to fight whoever captain ordered to attack. He was also aware of the smoldering ruins of a town behind them, which reminded him of Wolf. Just in case, two man sized traps burrowed deep underneath the ground under both men clad in a suit. Both were poised to rocket up at both like sharks launching into the air from the sea. Behind Fadel, a vine grew out from under the ground that held his whiteboard and and began to scribble quickly, in which he held up for everyone to see, at least those who faced him. [color=Lime][b]"We kinds have an appointment with destiny here, we can't really leave."[/b][/color]