[center] [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmNiOWNkOC5RbWx5WkdsbElGTmxjbVZwYmlCQmNIQnNaWE5uWVd4bC4z/calligraphy.fancy.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdacnd8MLj1rom69u.gif[/img] [b][u][color=#FFCAF9]Location;[/color][/u][/b] [b][color=#FFCAF9]Her dorm[/color][/b] [b][u][color=#FFCAF9]Interacting With;[/color][/u][/b] [b][color=#FFCAF9]Jonathan O'Connor [@smarty0114]- via text and Alessandra Sykes- [@Fabricant451][/color][/b] [url=http://wowoon.com/anh/width248/2016/23-1/street-fashion-work-in-style-ysl-wachabuy-classy-outfit-white-shirt-outfit-black-top-black-work-outfit-chic-work-outfit-classy-chic-outfit-street-style-fashionable-work-outfit-black-and-white-outfit.jpg][u][color=#FFCAF9]Outfit[/color][/u][/url][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#FFCAF9]“BLOODY HELL!”[/color] She swerved right as she looked out of the car window, suppressing the urge to flip the guy off. Idiot. Bastard needs to learn how to turn their blinker on. She sighed and looked down for a moment, grabbing a lip tint and applying it just as she stopped at a red light. She then put it in a black purse that she had in the passenger seat. Another couple of years at this school. It wasn’t too bad. She had a couple good friends either way. Birdie approached a perfect parking spot in the shade. She had on her designer shades that were circular and, of course, black and white. Birdie got out of the car and went to the back seat, taking out her 2 suitcases. One black and the other black. She then locked the car, pushing her hair behind her shoulder and beginning to walk towards the school. I wonder if i’m going to have to see that slut. Nah, my “mom” shouldn’t be around anytime soon. As she got near the school, Birdie pushed up her shades to rest on the top of her head. She then pulled out her cell and quickly went to contacts, going under her list of friends to Webster. [center][quote] To- [color=deepskyblue]Webby[/color] [color=gray]Hey, where are you? Missing you, you lovesick idiot so tell me where you are so we can meet.[/color] [/quote][/center] Clicking send before she then put her phone back in her pocket with a smile. She finally got to see one of her best friends again. Going back home was always hell. I mean, her brother barely talks to her and it’s just so awkward with her parents. Either way, that stuff didn’t matter. Was she allowed to smoke on school property? Wait. Do I care? To care or to not care. She sighed and decided to use it to her advantage, putting away the pack of cigarette. She needed to quit anyways. Not that it would last long anyways. Finally, she made her way to her dorm. If anything, the dorms here were sweet. They sure knew how to make them feel like real demigods. She quickly began to dig through her suitcase, taking out her clothes and taking them out properly folded. Maybe later she'd go over to a friends dorm. She better not have a bunch of drama in her life today though. She was tired and she [i]really[/i] wanted some beer. 'Good thing I have about 5 bottles in my bag. But, later...' She had some self restraint. Birdie then looked over to the left and saw that someone else was in the room. This chick's name was Alessandra, wasn't it? She hadn't noticed at all until now. How long was she even there? She smiled lightly at her, stopping herself from packing. [color=#FFCAF9]"Hey. Alessandra? Birdie. Nice to meet you."[/color] she says to the girl. She was getting hungry.