(Victoria) "So... how are we going to kill him?" I tried to ask discreetly. "Oh my dear. I can't BE killed. So you might as well take up your happy daggers now." Lucifer laughed as he settled into a big easy chair. [i]Well that isn't going to happen. I've spent too much money on this education to die now.[/i] I looked around at the faces of everyone else in the room; they showed a mixture of anger, resignation, and a little bit of insanity. Then, an idea popped into my head. "What if we played a game?" Everyone looked at me like I was mad. Lucifer cocked his head. "What do you mean?" "Like dodgeball. We get you out and then we say we killed you. No one actually gets hurt." Eyes widened. Lucifer thought it over for a minute before he said "okay. We'll try it. However, I won't go easy on you." I sighed. [i]We can do this. Mallory can't get hit. We can't lose.[/i] "However," Luci went on, "I get the kumokotok." [Butchered that spelling, sorry... also hope I got the right species, my phone won't let me check.]