[b][color=f7976a]ANARU KAHURANGI[/color][/b] [s]Still does not know how to make his words bigger.[/s] Drum Island [@Ira] [@CannedBread] Anaru looked towards the destruction, and was about to leap into it, before he heard the Vice Admiral's words. [color=f7976a]"On it!"[/color] Anaru's body bulked up, a feature of his life return, as his legs became incredibly tense. [color=f7976a]"Adrian!"[/color] Anaru shouted, with a big stupid grin on his face. [color=f7976a]"Hold onto me, if you want to make it there, faster!"[/color] Anaru let out a booming laugh, before using his sheer strength, to erupt into the air, leaping towards Muron, it was an odd sight, a bulky man, in a marine cloak, laughing in a most jolly way, while using his obscene strength to leap high into the sky, and reach a prison. odds are, if Adrian did in fact grab on, it was even odder for him. [color=f7976a]"It seems as though there's a group of people, i'm sure i'll land near them, and ask what's going on!"[/color] Anaru grinned, as he prepared to land, and then he hit the wall of the prison, and smashed through it, Adrian, if he were riding with Anaru would be unharmed, but Anaru, to put it bluntly, fell flat on his face, and skidded. he let out a booming, but muffled laugh, as he did faceplant into stone.