[color=yellow]”Why yes, as a matter of fact,”[/color] He placed his helmet over his face and strapped it in, giving himself the dumbest mask in existence. [color=yellow]”I think I [i]will.”[/i][/color] Gee what a prude. You’d think most guys his age would be happy to see a girl naked in any way. …This act of courtesy was starting to backfire on him right away. It was incredibly stuffy inside his helmet, especially since he was just wearing it. Still, it was a little too late to back out from this big, dumb gesture. May as well see how long he can last with this thing on him. He looked in the direction of Richard’s voice at his question and answered, [color=yellow]”Uhhh… Ship!”[/color] He pat his fist in his hand, [color=yellow]”We went up in a UFO last night. That ring any bells for anyone?”[/color]