Jacque let out a heavy sigh, partially in response to Gavon's question, and partially in response to the fact that the two mystery men seemed to be willing to comply with his orders for the time being. This was simply not his day: down two crew members, barreling through space with the first order on his ass, and with two mystery men on his vessel, one of which continually gave a strong impression of being a ticking time bomb. As he ascended to the upper deck Jacque felt a headache coming on, likely from the fact that he was coming down from the adrenaline high he'd received during the escape. Said headache reached a new peak as halfway up he heard Fixer over the radio make mention of a VT-49 of all things lurking about. "[b]You've got to be shitting me, if I wanted to get fucked this hard I would've stayed in jail...[/b]" He ground out as he picked up his pace. Once topside Jacque found himself "treated" to the scent of charred flesh, the source of which was discovered after a brief moment of cautious creeping. Another body stepped over, another sigh of annoyance. Making fairly decent time, Jacque managed to catch up to Kruss, whom he was still eighty percent certain was jumpy enough to turn around and shoot him should he approach too suddenly. The human cleared his throat to try to catch Kruss' attention before he actually spoke, "[b]Nice to see you're out of your room Kruss. We need to talk after we deal with whatever the hell's happening.[/b]".