[center][h1]Zepp Kisaragi[/h1] Drum Island, Muron Prison [@LokiLeo789] [@Renny] [@BCTheEntity] [@Tmitche23] [@JmerlRobot][/center] The frank coldness of the Red Hoods’ captain was a little surprising coming from such a brightly dressed and featured pipsqueak, but Zepp supposed kids were growing up fast these days. The Marine felt a light tremor under his feet and shifted a glance towards Fadel before turning his attention back to the now aerial Bogard. Unphased, Zepp took a step forward as the blonde-haired teen began his assault. [color=8B0000]Soru: Cicada[/color] At the moment a flytrap burst up from the ground and Bogard’s foot met with the Marine’s face, the two young pirates would learn that what they were both attacking was an afterimage. Zepp’s movements were untraceable as, with unspeakable speed, he made his way to Bogard’s back and became two-dimensional on his body, working his “shadow” up along Bogard’s cloak until he reached the top of the boy’s scalp. Then, like the birth of wise Athena, Zepp pooped out from the top of the boy’s head and stomped on it, sending the boy flying down into the jaws of Fadel’s giant flytrap all in the span of a fraction of a second. As the Marine sailed through the air using the Red Hoods’ captain as a stepping stone, Zepp pulled out a pair of flintlock pistols and fired two shots at Dirk and two at Fadel as he began to land. Once his feet touched the snow, he then discarded the two firearms and flicked his fingers at Xerxes, employing the use of Tobu Shigan "Bachi" to send an air bullet from his fingers that potentially had enough force to puncture the man’s spark field with speed to spare to puncture Xerxes himself. Or, at least, that was his hunch.