[center][img] https://s31.postimg.org/425w8mukr/IMG_20160621_150937.jpg [/img] [h1][color=LightBlue]Rayne[/color][/h1] [/center] [list] Location: [*]Drum Island [/list] [list] Interacting: [*][@dragonmancer] [*][@RyoRyoRyoken] [*][@Renny] [*][@BCTheEntity] [*][@Tmitche23] [*][@JmerlRobot] [/list] [hr][hr] The Messenger? Rayne had no idea who exactly that was, but if it would illicit the help of the Red Hoods, then so be it. Within an instant, shit hit the fan. Without as much as a forethought, Bogard went on the offensive with the help of Fadel, they seemingly had the drop on Zepp. Unfortunately, Zepp may have been right, the Red Hoods were a bit out of thier league. Nothing could escape Rayne's all seeing eyes, after a month of meditation, his Observation Haki was on another level. He gritted his teeth as the duo unwittingly attacked an after image, but Rayne was glad they did. This allowed him time to understand Zepp's fighting style, to see what made him so special. The world crawled to a snails pace as his vision of the world changed, once colorful and full of life, was now surrounded by complete darkness with its inhabitants now just pale blue silhouettes. As he watched the Marines acrobatic display, he was perplexed by the mans ability, which he absent mindedly revealed. It was unusual, it was as if he traveled through, or on Bogard, only to materialize on his head, only to use him as a launching pad. [i]Shadow fruit? No, can't, he traveled on Bogard not under him, and he would have been able to manipulate shadows, he could have ended this without lifting a finger. Has to be a Dimension Shifting Fruit, a 2-D one, allowing one to flatten oneself and compress one's body into 2 dimensional space. How do you fight that?[/i] Rayne's skills of deduction and observant nature allowed him to easily figure out Zepp's ability. Unfortunately, his info was only hypothetical, he still needed more evidence. Rayne would soon get his chance as Zepp's speedy attack soon reached him. It was an attack he recognized oh so well, one that he spent a month studying and learning the parameters off. Just as deft as Zepp was, Rayne retracted his Explosive Layer to its normal form and launched an identical attack to that if Zepp's, all in one motion. [color=LightBlue][i]Shigan: Kasai Dangan[/i][/color] Within an instant, his version of Shigan collided with one another. Instantly, both attacks repelled one another, both fizzing out into nothingness. Within a blink of an eye, Rayne counterattacked. He would show the Marines a whole knew side of his ability. With a snap of his fingers, a spark traveled through the air but disappeared. It seemed to beā€¦ lack luster, but instantly a flash of fire blossomed Zepp. Wave after wave of yellow flamesĀ appeared on Zepp, seemingly incinerating to Marine wherever he went with every snap of his fingers. [color=Black][b]"Burn."[/b][/color] [hider=Visual representation of what Rayne is doing to Zepp][center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11114/111144184/3766406-2969096315-tumbl.gif[/img][/center][/hider]