Rear-Admiral Atalon was standing in front of the large Cockpit windows of his VT-49 Decimator ‘Dauntless’ awaiting the update on the Milano’s position. The asteroid field was clearing up, and together with the info that was relayed from one of the outlying nodes of the monitoring station about safe transport routes the Milano should be passing by them in 3 minutes. Atalon had taken up position behind an asteroid now to avoid scans and get the drop on the Milano as they exited the field. He had ordered the Sigeil’s Decimator ‘Relentless’ to take up position inside the asteroid field. But Atalon knew his plan was flawed. If the TIE’s hadn’t done enough damage to the engines or navigation the ship should be able to make it out of there with a pre-plotted jump. Atalon grinned and mumbled a ‘everything as planned’ under his breath as the newest report of the Milano’s position was coming in. The failure to capture this ship wouldn’t be his, but that of that bitch in command of the monitoring station. She had slipped up a couple of times already and was eager to prove herself, she just wasn’t commanding material Atalon thought. Hadn’t he been in the Imperial Navy before everything fell apart. She was just an upshot from the academy, pops had probably arranged this for her. He had tried guiding her, but she wouldn’t have it the little- let’s not go there. Atalon unclenched the fist he had unconsciously formed. Everything is working out now. Soon she would have to be replaced and Atalon knew he was next in line for command. Finally.