[quote=@Ace of Hearts] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Rt7m0yB.jpg[/img] I mean, you're not...exactly...[i]wrong[/i]. The Red Army were literal animals during their incursions westward. But to say the Nazis weren't war criminals...Bruh, [i]you need help. [/i] [i]also Japan was pretty bad too.[/i] [b][i]also every country commits war crimes.[/i][/b] Here's my unpopular opinion: You're all edgemasters and this thread is pure concentrated cancer. [/quote] [b]I was, of course, making a genuine point, but with hyperbole to spice it up and drive it home. [/b] [i]Stalin's policies were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. His military had a policy of using its own soldiers as meat-shields, using recruits to intentionally soak up the bullets of the enemy, so that the Germans would eventually just run out of ammo. They knowingly traded hundreds of thousands of human bodies for bullets, with no intention of success or survival! They created artificial famines across all of the surrounding soviet states, killing 2.2 million Ukrainians, 1.1 million soviet-loyal citizens in Kazakhstan, and so on. And that's not to mention the unspeakable torture, death camps, executions and assassinations. Or the fact that the communists erased their own history, and rewrote a false retelling of the events, killing history on top of all the people who lived through it. The Russians also exported their ideology to China, and supported the Communist Party's rise to power there, overthrowing the government and leading to millions upon millions of additional civilians dying of torture, assassination, and starvation, not to mention the decades and generations of suffering that continued under the Mao regime, and subsequent regimes right up to present day. The Brits bombed the cities of innocent civilians, where no soldiers were stationed, prompting return strikes that lead to the death of countless women and children in both Germany and the UK. They also put in place dozens of restrictions on freedom of speech, expression, and assembly, giving them an excuse to arrest anyone who disagreed with the decisions of the country, sending thousands of innocent British civilians to prison. The Americans had racially segregated concentration camps for innocent Japanese-American citizens, tortured their prisoners (you think waterboarding is a new thing?), launched city-destroying fire-bomb raids, and dropped experimental radiation-bombs on multiple, highly-populous urban-centers. The Canadians also had Japanese concentration camps. The Italians brutalized thousands of citizens in the streets, and butchered hundreds of political officials and rivals, forcing the entire state under totalitarian control, inventing the notion of "Fascism". The Nazis did human experiments and some freaky Soylent Green shit with a couple million captured minorities and suspected traitors, while the rest of their nation flourished.[/i] [b]As has already been said, every country involved was guilty of war crimes (kind of devaluing the whole point of calling it a war crime, really), but the blame and the hatred always falls exclusively on the Nazis. Did the Nazis do some fucked up shit? Boy did they ever! But, my point is, "one of these things is not like the other", and I don't think it's Germany.[/b] [b]As for the comments about sexuality, you're welcome to state your case. I'm open-minded about the whole situation, and would be happy to hear you out if you've got an argument to make.[/b] [b]And isn't the entire point of this threat to state edgy, controversial, "unpopular" things? It's not like we're going onto Facebook and Youtube, and intentionally triggering millennials. We're venting our opinions for our own purposes, in a specially purposed thread, on an off-topic discussion board, on an RP forum.[/b]