My unpopular opinion: Being a lesbian myself- I think pride parades are pretty, for lack of better words, dumb. I mean, I get it. It's hard to be gay, lesbian, sexually attracted to butterflies, people can be assholes. "But, they're marches to celebrate LGBT culture, pride, and legal rights like same sex marriage!" Great. That's nice. What you're really doing is saying "I'M GAY FUCK YOU." It's like, ratting out your high school bully and doing a victory dance in front of him/her. Yea, bullying ain't cool, but by doing that you just enforce retaliation. This goes for all pride and "power" parades. It's unnecessary. Bad shit has happened to me, you don't see me going around throwing parties about it and asking for a holiday. LGBT rights are important, but rallying all of us queers out and baking our rainbow cookies don't accomplish anything. Why do you have to specifically celebrate a specific culture. Throw a parade. Celebrate the Chinese new year, celebrate the unification of everybody. I mean, think about it. How many white power parades do you see? How many "Yay I'm straight" parades? It's like a Facebook social war except you're probably going to get hit by a rock. Also, hummus is disgusting.