[img]http://img.etimg.com/thumb/msid-52493617,width-310,resizemode-4,imglength-562050/donald-trump-slams-barack-obama-for-not-mentioning-pearl-harbour-attack.jpg[/img] [b]For the record, please, please, please take everything I say here with a grain of salt. Everything I type, I do so with a grin on my face. [/b] [b]I'm happy to address anything anyone becomes uncomfortable with. The spirit of this thread is fun, after all, right?[/b] Edit: For all those triggered snowflakes, let me make myself clear: Nazis are bad. Trump is a buffoon. Overwatch is fun if that's your kind of thing. You have the freedom to identify as DoritoSexual, and there's nothing I can do about it, and nothing I would care to do about it. Edit #2: And I'm not actually hitting on your sister. I promise.