[center][h1][color=7E1B1B]Marcus Williams[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/5e06d4d666f1a5e03e272e0677516bd8/tumblr_o7g0ce8pto1v3swszo1_r1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A, boarding the helicopter [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: No one specific[hr][/center] Listening to Lisa as she spoke, Marcus watched silently as one by one, those present either boarded the helicopter or wandered off back into the night. Some certainly seemed enthusiastic about it, others seemed to come along purely because they had no other choice or nothing better. Honestly Marcus wasn't even sure of his own decision even still, he'd said he would come along, but at the same time was this life really for him? Perhaps it was best if he faded into obscurity. But then again, he wasn't exactly helping anyone by doing that either, the entire reason he had come, he had even said anything, he wanted to make a difference again. Taking another long look out at the city, he stood there for some time in silence, making his last thoughts and decisions. [color=7E1B1B][b]"Alright."[/b][/color] He finally said, plainly and to no one in particular. Turning to the helicopter, he moved toward it and climbed inside, sitting down near the door. He glanced over to the others, saw that plenty of them were settling in to sleep during the flight. He didn't have any such intention, he was used to long nights without sleep, and even he didn't exactly trust the company he was with, at least not enough to completely let his guard down. He reminded himself that this was a good decision, and hoped deeper down that it in fact was. Something was telling him to go through with this, he didn't know what but he figured soon enough he'd know if it was to pay off. Sighing as he rested his head back, he reached up to take his cap off, tucking it between his seat and the window as he peered out, remaining relatively silent as he would throughout the flight, just waiting to see what would happen. This was either going to be one of the best decisions Marcus made in his life, or possibly the worst. So far, he wasn't sure.