[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi5hMDkxYzUuVkdobElFdDFiV0Z5SUZSM2FXNXouMAAAAAAAAA,,/pwstraight.medium.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/xT0GqkQssLGssyO9QQ/giphy.gif[/img] [sup][b]LOCATION - INFIRMARY[/b][/sup][hr][/center] Meg saw the body before the strange doctor covered her with a thin white sheet. Her best friend laid there - she couldn't tell why. Last she'd noticed was Maria leaving the courthouse in the middle of chaos, but Meg never saw her till this very moment. Boy was she one hundred percent done with the apocalypse. Newnan lost way too many great individuals, Maria included - surely Lady Luck was gonna give them all a break for the next, I don't know, ten years? But knowing luck, it was never on their side. Sidd hadn't been as close to Maria as Meg had been - he'd barely known the Newnan Legolas other than through word of mouth. But of course, each death still dampened his mood, with every useful person dead, he was still alive. He nodded in Froggy's direction before letting go of his sister's body to approach him and Maria's body. It would be best if he would handle it instead of Meg. He didn't hear when Kris had arrived, along with another woman laying on a gurney with a red head demanding attention. Focused on letting Kristina see her sister for the last time, he then let her cover the body. This was the closest he could get to letting the sister have peace, where the disposal of the dead bodies - the victims of the apocalypse - would possibly involve cremation when things were calmer to avoid the chances of loved ones coming back from the dead. Meg certainly didn't recognise who the red-head was - and Meg knew [i]a lot[/i] of faces, and part of her was vary. Was she another danger? Someone posing as a Newnanite? What the hell was going on? She leaned closer to Kris, avoiding Maria's body as she mumbled, [b][color=f08080]"Who the hell is she? Do we even know her?"[/color][/b] Meanwhile, Siddharth assisted Kris in carrying her sister out of the infirmary to make space for the people that were still alive. He figured Meg would help Froggy as the nurse, if he needed more help. [hr][hr][centre][img] http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC4yNzdjN2MuUkdGMmFXNWhJRUpoYkdGemFHOTJZUSwsLjEAAAAA/sf-scribbled-sans.regular.png [/img][hr][hr] [img] https://media.giphy.com/media/djdiLAtHjGhgs/giphy.gif [/img] [sup][b]LOCATION – Carrollton, GA[/b][/sup][hr][/centre] Jesus fuck. That walker in the car? Fuck that guy. Davina's heart raced as she kept her eyes locked into the dead ones of the walker - a simple businesswoman, going by the looks of her rotten attire. She'd followed Tati around, keeping an eye on the surroundings as well as the dead woman in the car, lest she somehow decided to exit through the window or cause attention to fall on the two Russian girls. [color=darkcyan][b]"Ve have enough,"[/b][/color] warily looking at the hoard that was slowly headed their way, she hurriedly followed behind Tatiana and shut the door behind her. Now, that would've been a problem if there was a giant hoard waiting inside too, but if there were any- most would've come out at the sound of the spluttering engine. It was best not to leave it just to chance, though, Davi knew that. Instead, she hid her gun and pulled out her trusted hammer - a quiet way to go to so that the girls could go about their business gaining little attention from the dead. [color=darkcyan][b]"Use your knife and check left. I'll go right and we meet at middle, got it?"[/b][/color] Divide and conquer, as they say. Davi trusted Tatiana enough that she wouldn't die while gathering supplies alone for a moment. Plus, it was a small enough store, the whole point was to minimise the time they spent holed up here while the approaching hoard outside got closer. Davi would prefer not to be a sitting chicken, or however the fuck that saying went.