[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Roxanne%20Debose&name=GesseleRegular.ttf&size=70&style_color=DED06A[/img] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/86ba8bbcc0ba7d3d263a30d664aebba1/tumblr_n3vybbYdcq1rj81k1o1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Leaving Reed's Apartment → Her room & bathroom → Work [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Zahra -[@Beefydork] → Ryan -[@Love Dove] → Ryder -[@sakurasan] → Liam -[@Pundii] → Joseph - [@louie221][/center][hr]Roxanne was still reeling from the news of Reed being in her apartment. It was really bothering her and one could tell because she was cleaning almost everything in sight. Her phone buzzed again and she walked over to see Reed's name appear across the screen then unlocking her phone and reading the message. [color=ded16a][b][i]'Ugh.'[/i][/b][/color] She groaned to herself while rolling her eyes as she saw Ryder walk in now. She smiled and offered the female a wave then went back to sweeping the floor. [color=ded16a][b]"You don't remember what happened last night?"[/b][/color] Roxanne walked over to leaned back on the counter, tapping her fingernails on the counter. [color=ded16a][b]"That's so not good, Ryder."[/b][/color] She continued until Liam walked in. Every time she saw Liam, she couldn't nothing but smiled based on how they actually met. Her eyes looked at him as he greeted her along with Ryder. [color=ded16a][b]"Hey, Liam. How are you doing? Coffee?"[/b][/color] She asked politely with a smile while staring at him and wanting to change the subject from his comment, awaiting an answer. She looked at Zahra, who was set on her performing tonight. Roxanne set her weight to one side of her body while looking back at Zay now. [color=ded16a][b]"Yeah but I am no blues singer, you know? I could do something soulful though."[/b][/color] She said followed by a smile thrown her way. Zay's excitement affected her in a way and she didn't hesitate to let it show. When she mentioned that she was singing along with her, of course she tensed up. She didn't expect everyone to know. Roxanne laughed a little nervously as Zay told her that she was going to be amazing and rested her hand upon her forearm. [color=ded16a][b]"Uhm, I don't really like Blues."[/b][/color] Roxanne said bluntly while looking up at Joseph. [color=ded16d][b]"Hey there, Joseph. Everything is good here."[/b][/color] She said while cleaning the display window now, where all of the dessert treats rested. [color=ded16a][b]"How are things with you today?"[/b][/color] She asked while resting upon the counter now after cleaning the window. [color=#ded16a][b]"And besides hearing the announcement of me singing tonight, nothing really."[/b][/color] She shrugged her shoulders while looking back at her phone, seeing Ryan's name and picture pop up. Roxanne grabbed her phone and opened up the text, reading it. She bit her bottom lip after reading the text, thinking of a reply but she had nothing. With a sigh, she typed a reply. [center][b]To: Ryan ♥ [color=#ded16a]Just get here when you can.[/color][/b][/center] She sent the message then sat her phone down with an eye roll, turning heel as she went back to sweeping the floor. She adored this time of the day as things were slowing down and everyone's lunch break was almost over. When she was done sweeping she sat the broom aside then walked back over to the group, resting her elbows on the counter again while listening in to their conversation.