[hr][center][h1][color=fff79a]Claire[/color], [color=82ca9d]Murphy[/color] & [color=f26522]Desh[/color][/h1] [/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Hotel Shikha [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@Charnobylisk] [@POOHEAD189] [b]Time/Date:[/b] Evening/August 1st, 2016 [/center][hr] Everything was going swimmingly during the fight. The McManus Siblings have a little more fun than they really had a right to but then again it was the first time they had been able to have a brawl together since before Murphy had moved out to India. It was truly a bonding moment between the two, always had been for the entire family. Granted that didn't stop Murphy from smiling over as Cass jumped in and giving the lass a bit of a cheeky wink as he picked up one man by the collar and tossed him onto the stage. He was rather shocked when he saw Alc getting involved, figuring the man would just either sit and watch or head out to the van. [color=82ca9d]"Should have brought you out drinking sooner Alc,"[/color] Murphy chuckled before finally grabbing Claire as she knelt down and pummeled the face in of one patron. [color=82ca9d]"Alright, alright, enough Claire. You ain't getting paid for this fight,"[/color] he said as she took a swing at him and knocked her own brother on his ass. Murphy just sat there rubbing his jaw and laughing as she turned on her heels and as quick as the fight had started she was done with it and in the van outside waiting to go back to the hotel. [color=82ca9d]"Damn right hook of hers,"[/color] he laughed as he stood up and dusted himself off. Wasn't the first time he had been decked by her, would not be the last. Shaking his head he stepped over a few bodies as they lay there groaning and grabbed Desh by the wrists; slowly pulling him out from under the table. The man still didn't stir. [color=82ca9d]"Jesus, Mary, And Joseph... Alc, give him a hand hauling his butt to the van would ya?"[/color] he said as he got one of Desh's arms over his shoulder and then looked over to Cass. [color=82ca9d]"Now I see why me sis likes you so much, you fight like family,"[/color] he said with a wiry grin as he hefted Desh up and waited for Alc to give him some help carrying out their inebriated friend.