[center][h1][color=black]THE MESSENGER[/color][/h1][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/O6azLRe.png?1[/img] [b]Drum Island x Muron Prison [/b][hr] [@dragonmancer][/center] [indent] Sabell frowned at the lack of resistance. Just what the hell was the marines doing? She at least hoped for a teensy bit of action. She always wanted [i]something[/i] to distract her when she felt anxious. Extra emotions were usually unneeded with her current employer. It hadn’t always been but as of late it was that way. The behind the broken skull mask she soured and sighed. [b][i]... Boggy.[/i][/b] She came down on her thoughts with a guillotine of apathy. She couldn't and wouldn’t let those emotions find its way to the surface. At least that’s what she believed. She glanced towards Jackal, who had yet to move, and rolled her eyes. [b] “Find your own way out you’re free now. If you don’t move quick enough to escape and you end with your ass right back here don’t blame anyone but yourself, kay?[/b] Suddenly a raspy baritone boomed from another cell. “Hey! Think you can free us too? Don’t just leave us here.” Sabell giggled and started towards the smoking hole in Muron Prison. [b] “Sorry jackass but the answer would be no.”[/b] She placed her hand on the edges and let the wind filter the gray away to reveal a trail of destruction. The bit that she touched, along with a good portion of the area around her became splotched with her Armament Haki. The Messenger groaned on the inside. “I- I kinda wanna see him,” she argued with herself. “Surely, Terry, wouldn’t object… She probably will but I won’t get caught. I'll make sure of it.” She pounced from the wall and fell into the misty drop below. A quirky “rawrr” echoing as she shifted through the tearing wind. [/indent] [hr][center][h1][color=red]RED HOOD PIRATES[/color][/h1][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lislJP5.jpg?1[/img] [b]Bogard D. Sunny x Drum Island [/b] [@LokiLeo789] [@RyoRyoRyoken] [@BCTheEntity] [@JmerlRobot] [@Tmitche23][/center] [indent] Bogard shivered from the creeping sensation, the knowing that Zepp had slithered his way along his body. And that he could [i]feel[/i] him do it. He held himself momentarily and looked towards Dirk with horror. [color=red][b] “That. That felt so wrong.”[/b][/color] Soon afterwards he felt a stabbing, shrill vibration go along his steel arm. He rolled away from the explosions that would ignite above him seconds beforehand. The continuous explosions sent his coat back then suddenly forwards, then back again. It was a violent wind that wrestled with his clothes now. He narrowed his eyes from the heat but kept his gaze upwards. For all his honed clarity he had yet to recognize the one thing that had assured him victory or better yet, had closed the gap between them. He released the breath he had held since spotting his advantage and stood up to stare at his flesh hand and the red color of his sleeve. [color=red][i]I’m a Red-Red Man now, I never considered what I could do with that besides the basics until a month ago. I thought of some things, tossed aside a few others. One day I’ll share it with my crew but today all I [i]need[/i] is the basics. All I need is the red on his suit. I’ll make it quick and decisive. He doesn’t know my devil fruit abilities, either that or he doesn’t really care enough to remember. I’m gonna toss that smartass into his grave and bury him with his pretentious words. For insults towards the future Pirate King and for threatening my crew, I'll shut him up.[/i][/color] Bogard clenched his metal fingers shut but left his flesh hand open, he raised it towards Zepp, not knowing whether or not he was still in the fiery chaos or completely missing.[/indent][hr]