[quote=@NachoBachoPacho] Rayne comes in here with insane tier Observation haki, has learned Shigan from watching, and became Roy Mustang...uh, I call dibs on NOT fighting him, i'll take my chances with the guy who can manipulate red to gore me horribly, thank you VERY much. [/quote] I said he was a savage. Roy, Rayne, close enough. Its okay, Anaru will get his turn...soon. [quote=@BCTheEntity] Reminder to self: Dirk cannot yet dodge bullets, or stop them injuring him. Fortunately, it was already established that Xerxes put up a large-ish forcefield moments before, so with everyone else ignoring them, I can only presume the bullets bounced harmlessly off of that. Now, how does he avoid getting exploded horribly...? [/quote] You can if you want, since Rayne was a few feet away from Dirk just say it did.