[center][h1][color=FFBF87]Ida Mercado[/color][/h1] [img]https://s31.postimg.org/bpo90lqln/image.gif[/img] [color=FFBF87][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Work [b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b][/color] Leo [@Summer]| Roxanne [@HushedWhispers] | Ryan [@Love Dove] | Reed [@smarty0114] | Joseph [@louie221] | Zay [@Beefydork] | Liam [@Pundii]| [/center] [hr] Ida made a faux expression at Leo, her giggling almost ruined the deadpan moment. [color=FFBF87]"Gasp! You were suppose to talk in our super secret code. You can never tell if evil is listening just around the corner." [/color] She gave him a soft nudge and a hearty smile at the joke, whilst unwrapping what seems like her third piece of sandwich. Ida couldnt care less about her growing eating habit, the autumn season seems to make her feel that way than usual but regrets come by winter when her elderly relatives passive aggressively comment on her weight the whole evening through. During break hours she likes having these silly water cooler banters with her co-worker, although most of the time, plain teasing him is just as fun. Anyhow, Leo did agree to come with her tonight. [color=FFBF87] "Great! I'll be heading back real quick at the apartment for a quick shower. I think I just leaned on someone sticky at the train awhile ago. Ick. We can just meet up at the complex if that's fine." [/color] Ida always loved watching Zay perform, and indeed tonight will be awesome as always. [color=FFBF87]"I know right! Zay is so awesome, her singing is so divine. Her aura, her hair, everything about her. I wish she'd adopt me."[/color] she dreamily talked with great admiration like a giddy pre-teen , sometimes a little too much than she would like to admit. [color=FFBF87]"I wonder if the squad is coming."[/color] She got her phone out, swiped on the dashing picture of Prince, and navigated to messages. [center][color=FFBF87][b]To: The TSA Dream Squad Who's gonna be at the cafe tonight? I'll be going, but that's hardly news is it? ;-] See you guys tonight ^_^ [/b][/color][/center]