[@KatherinWinter] Updated character [hider=William Bernard] Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/1e/77/b1/1e77b198fdb0d60b0058c4cd068c47ec.jpg[/img] Name: William Bernard Age: 21 Power: Flame Conjuration Can create and project flames. Unfortunately has very limited control when using his abilities given the strength of the flames. Bio: William is currently in his junior year of college working towards a degree in Archaeology. He took a year off from college to travel around the states in his father's old car. During his time on the road, he traveled to Washington to see Mt. Rainier amongst other sites. While traveling along the base of the volcano he came across a rather unusual stone. The stone was red with streaks of black running through it like smoke, while in shape its was rectangular and jagged at its ends. When he picked it up to examine it further, his hand seared and burned but he could not release it from his grip. Soon he passed out as the burning pain spread up his arms into the rest of his body. When he awoke, smoke rose around from the burnt ground around him in a 30 foot radius of his body. After fleeing the scene he returned to college and began isolating himself at his college, fearful of his new found abilities and afraid of the consequences should other people find out his secret. His fear translates itself in his difficulty in making use of his abilities. There have been several close calls of fires breaking out around him. He is trying to finish his degree as quickly as possible so that he can find a job the better suits his particular needs. [/hider]