Dodging the blade of the kobold was the last thing that Orchid saw before he fell to the ground. From the feel of the pain, Orchid guessed he got hit in the head by a rock. Now that he thought of it, he should have taken his shield out, but alas. Orchid laid on the ground, his conscience ebbing and flowing, and the last thing he saw was a sword being run through one of the kobolds. [i][color=a2d39c]"Ha!"[/color][/i] Thought the half-orc. [i][color=a2d39c]"I wasn't entirely useless!"[/color][/i] Shortly after seeing the enemy go down, Orchid went unconscious. In the dark abyss of Orchid's subconscious, his memory drifted to his youth. He was a flighty child, never one to sit down and just listen. His elven elders, while their patience is great, had no time to teach a child who would never learn his lessons. So a specialism was called in. A Witch Hunter. The elves were of Woodland origins, but this Witch Hunter was a Drow. And not just any drow, but a drow ghost. AN ancestor spirit of one of the founders of the elven clan, renown for his magical ability and insanity. While his mental faculties never harmed the clan directly, his instability made many ancestors forced to isolate him until eventually he died while riding a unicorn underneath a low bridge. The unicorn ducked. He didn't. This ancestor ghost was brought to Orchid to teach him their ways. It wasn't often the ghost was brought out, despite it's insistence that the family should visit, because despite being a ghost his magical power was still great. He would be able to challenge even the Grand Druid in spell combat, if he had the mind to. [b]"Vendui Vendui! Ol uriu tlus ichl verve! Lu'oh zhah lil' fuma?"[/b] The elders cleared their throat and spoke in elvish. [b]"Iant fea, saesa quena e' tel'quessir lambe."[/b] The ancestor spirit smirked and chuckled to himself. [b]En' rant, amin demada lle naa taure Tel'Quessir. Sii', mani naa ta tanya lle anta tuulo' amin?"[/b] The elders explained to the ancestor ghost about Orchid, who he was, his origins, and what they would like for the ghost to do. THe old ghost's kindly smile soon faded, and instead a look of contemplation was put in it's place. [b]"Ta naa il- vee' manka amin uma il- merna a'. nan' uma i' hin?"[/b] That's when everyone looked back at Orchid. This entire time Orchid had been forced to just sit there and wait, and he was slowly nodding off. If he wasn't going to do anything, he would just take a nap. But when everyone turned to him he came to attention, though it was obvious he wasn't paying attention. One of the elders walked up to Orchid. [b]"eithel? uma lle merna a' yassen i' iant fea?"[/b] Orchid looked between the elders and the ancestor ghost. He was weighing his options, thinking about what he should say or do. He did all of that for about two seconds before hopping to his feet and raising his arms into the air. [color=a2d39c]"Uma! Amin uma sina!"[/color] Just as he accepted the tutelage of the ancestor ghost, Orchid's eyes shot open. Kneeling above him was the warrior from before. Orchid figured him for a fighter, but not as a healer! But he wasn't going to complain. While Orchid was still bloodied and bruised, he immediately got back onto his feet, picking up his machete, and gave a hearty cheer. [color=a2d39c]"WAAAAARGH! VICTORY!"[/color] It appeared that all the kobolds were dead or at least incapacitated, so Orchid turned to the others while pointing towards the corpses. He knew he should do this first, since the elders once told him that it would be "Impolite" to do so without asking. [color=a2d39c]"Orchid skin small dragons? Make new things. Orchid do quick."[/color] And of course he wanted to loot them as well, though he didn't imagine they had much on them. They didn't look like they did anyways.