It is astonishing how many drinks one man can go through in order to stave off his boredom. Vat-Katari had practically drained a whole keg one his own as he continued to order round after round of drinks, each time as before declaring a new wave of liquor for all willing to partake. Indeed the towering Tal-Vashoth was still causing quite the scene with his boisterous behavior, but there was a method to all the chaos he was bringing which there usually is when it comes to Vat-Katari. The way he saw it the best way for him to weed those who were just looking for free drinks from the actual applicants was to give them just that, those who were to shite faced by the end weren't looking to get into the business in the first place, besides it always did Vat-Katari's ego good to know he could drink everyone in the room under the table. So as the alcohol flowed and the fools did what they did best and drank Vat-Katari's mind stayed tuned on the faces of those around him, though all this may have been different if the Blooming Rose was serving something like Maraas-Lok that was strong enough to even put the strongest Qunari warriors on their asses. Vat-Katari had just slammed back another back another drink and ordered yet another round when he noticed quite the auditable disturbance in the revelry that he had been creating. [color=f26522][b]"About time..."[/b][/color] He murmured to himself before he turned his head to be greeted by the sight of slender fiery haired woman, or at least it was fiery at one point in her life, quite forcibly making her way through the crowd that formed around him. Vat-Katari couldn't help but let a smirk form on his face as the woman introduced herself, just as he thought people were finally showing up to look into his offer. It may have been a moment that Vat-Katari gave Evelyn a quick look over, but it was only a moment. [color=f26522][b]"Finally! I was starting to think that no one in this blighted city was looking for work!"[/b][/color] He exclaimed with a hearty laugh. [color=f26522][b]"You can call me Vat-Katari, though I find you non oxmen can say Vat a lot easier so that can do for now. And no need to be so formal Red, the kind of work I deal in doesn't call for many formalities."[/b][/color] He said before gesturing to one of the vacant seats at his table. [color=f26522][b]"Besides you wouldn't be here if you had a problem with being a little informal."[/b][/color] He said with another smirk before taking a drink from the fresh cup that was handed to him. [color=f26522][b]"So tell me Red, why are you interested in signing up with me?"[/b][/color] As he waited for a response from Evelyn Vat-Katari made sure to take of the new arrivals that had appeared right after the ginger haired older woman, though it wasn't exactly hard to notice them. First was a young looking, but battered looking fellow that just screamed Ferelden, by the Divin's holy ass he even had a Mabari! The next was what Vat-Katari only could assume was a Dwarf with a real like for the sun judging by her tan skin, and was he losing it was she a tall dwarf? He had to make sure to double check later that he wasn't becoming a light weight and letting the drinks get to him. He then noticed a Elf with a war hammer that had to be as tall as he was and maybe even twice as heavy, not something one saw everyday. The person to enter next gave Vat-Katari a small uneasy feeling for a moment seeing as it appeared to be another Tal-Vashoth like himself judging by his shaved horns though this wouldn't be the first time the Qunari tried to send an assassin after him, but setting that instinctual distrust aside he allowed the man to go unscathed for now. Lastly he saw what he had no doubt was a dwarf brandishing a bow. There were one of two possibilities as to why all these heavily armed folks would all show up around the same time while he was here. The first being that they were actually here for his job offer, the second someone was trying to have him killed and hired this lot to do the job. If it was the latter of those two options... Vat-Katari had to hold back a smirk at the thought. These would be the most obvious assassins he has ever met and he had met a lot. Deciding to watch how everything plays out Vat-Katari returned his gaze back to Evelyn, though he did keep everyone who he had noted in his side view, whatever the case was this was going to be quite entertaining.