"Get up." The elf groaned and lashed out clumsily. Her hand fell through the air and fell back to her side with a thump. Morro wasn't impressed. "You've overslept, get up now." The knight moved over to the younger one and kicked the sheets off him with an idle flick of her foot. Groans filled the air. She watched them until she was sure they were stirring, then turned away with a curse. [i]What had she done to deserve this mission?[/i] The weak light was already shining through the gap where half of the wall had gone missing, but it didn't matter whether or not they were late downstairs. Nobody had come, and nobody would come. Still, she had been charged with the two new recruits. If anything, she would use this time to toughen them up. Out of the corner of her eye she watched the youngest stumble into the door frame. They needed it. "Full armour on, we're training before we eat." She beckoned to the rusted over suits of armour. The pair gawped at her incredulously. "That's crazy! How are we supposed to do anything with food?" The elf demanded. The younger one laughed. Mistake. "If you find each other so damn funny, why didn't you become comedians? Why are you here wasting Three Nation's time and resources?" They stared at her blankly, fear almost palpable in the air. Morro tutted with disgust and made her way towards the stairs, pushing the subordinates out of her way. "No, do what you wish. A jester would be more helpful than you." They stared at her back blankly, as she stormed downstairs. Today was going to be a bad day. The downstairs of the tavern was buzzing with activity, unusual for this time. She hesitated at the entrance to the room, scanned it to find the source of the disruption. There, somebody dressed in bright clothes doing... Card tricks? She groaned incredulously, but quickly pulled herself together. Her armour weighed down on her, the Three Nations Cape pulling at her back. She didn't have the effort to hold herself up, and regretted putting it on in the first place. With difficulty, she walked over to the nearest table and sat down, beckoning for the bar tender. He knew what she wanted, and she sat back exhausted while she waited for her food.