The booming laugh of Anaru shook Adrian's eardrums like a overjoyed man shaking the hand of his new employer. He never wanted to travel with Anaru again, He didn't have the stomach for it, not to mention last time he was off the ground he almost broke his back. After finishing wiping tiny pebbles of brick from his shoulder with the back of his hand, Adrian would turn and tune himself into what was happening. [color=blue]"Lieutenant, are you ok?"[/color] He looked around, the scene was bland and almost dark, if it wasn't for the hole Anaru made it would of been a little darker. It was surprising how the prison could keep itself stable for so many years, however Anaru was proof that the prison was weakening. [i]"So he's more than man, why have you paired me with him.[/i] Adrian snapped out of thought quickly and his eyes turned to the corridor on his left. [color=blue]"Something don't seem right, should we go?"[/color] He knew Anaru would say yes, something or someone had already lit the furnace in the big man. He heard gunshots from below and in an instant his mood switched. [color=blue]"Hurry."[/color] [@NachoBachoPacho] [@RyoRyoRyoken] [@Ira]