[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjM5YjVmMy5VbVZsWkNCU2FXeGxlUSwsLjAA/creativeblock-bb.regular.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/eefd03165b2ed7c26f3ee2e342d893eb/tumblr_nqlp7juI4d1rshgzoo1_250.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Ryan and Roxanne's Apartment -> Village Coffee [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] | [color=ded16a][b]Roxanne[/b][/color] [@HushedWhispers] | [color=a0410d][b]Ryan[/b][/color] [@Love Dove] | [color=fff79a][b]Leo[/b][/color] - via text [@Summer] | [color=F25DF4][b]Zahra[/b][/color] [@Beefydork] | [color=42c0c4][b]Joseph[/b][/color] [@louie221] | [color=686F91][b]Liam[/b][/color] [@Pundii] | [color=CB99C9][b]Ryder[/b][/color] [@sakurasan] [sub][url=http://cdn04.cdn.justjaredjr.com/wp-content/uploads/pictures/2013/03/vhud-austin/vanessa-hudgens-austin-butler-sushi-date-09.jpg]Outfit[/url][/sub][/center][hr] Reed chuckled at Ryan's response, although his statement about not sleeping with anyone that he or Roxy knew threw him off slightly. Luckily, he began grinning once more, an effort to make it seem like everything was good. He tipped back his bowl, which now only contained milk, and funneled the liquid into his mouth before rinsing it out in the kitchen sink. He slid off the counter and followed Ryan out of the apartment, sending a text back to Leo on the way [center][b]To - [color=fff79a]Leo[/color] [color=deepskyblue]Hey if you get the chance, can you grab some groceries? we out[/color][/b][/center] [color=deepskyblue][b]"VC sounds good. Chances are half the floor is there already,"[/b][/color] he said, smirking, and walking with his friend to the elevator. Once they were both inside, he incessantly pushed the ground floor button, like a child. Granted, he basically was a child, and slamming the elevator buttons was just another thing he did that proved it to be true. He took the time in the elevator to shoot a text back in the group chat that Ida had just texted him in. [center][b]To: [color=deepskyblue]TSA Dream Squad Me and Ryan are on our way now. We should all go out after though[/color][/b][/center] Once they finally reached the ground floor, he strolled out beside Ryan, squinting against the bright sunlight that was streaming into the lobby. [i][b][color=deepskyblue]Oh I am so going to regret this[/color][/b][/i] he thought, reaching into his pocket to grab a pair of sunglasses that he quickly put on, granting him a moment of relief before stepping outside. He realized the full effects of his hangover once he and Ryan stepped outside, as his ears were bombarded with the honking of cars, the shouting from street vendors, and the all around hustle and bustle of the city. [b][color=deepskyblue]"Remind me to never, ever get drunk again,"[/color][/b] he said, knowing full well that he'd most likely get just as shitfaced tonight, as he had last night. Walking into Village Coffee was a beautiful reprieve from the noise and lights of NYC and he grinned big announcing his presence to the rest of the cafe, specifically the people from his floor, most of whom he considered friends. [b][color=deepskyblue]"Everyone's favorite drunk has arrived! And also Ryan,"[/color][/b] he said, smirking and taking a bow, before gesturing to his friend.