[b][u]4/7 Late Morning - Toroname Residence[/u][/b] [color=f26522]"Ugh... Wha...?"[/color] Sun shining in... Guess that means a new day's here. Almost time for school to start back up. I swear, breaks are never as long as you want 'em to be... [color=f26522]"Whew, tired... Wait, what time is it?"[/color] I look at the clock to see it's already 11:00. Not the worst I've ever slept in, at least. "Akatsuki? Akatsuki, you up yet?" My dad's yelling had me out of bed and digging around for today's clothes. "C'mon, bud! Up and at 'em!" [color=f26522]"Yeah, I'm up! Be down in a sec!"[/color] I grab my staff and necklace, slap on my cap, and I'm down the stairs. Dad's already got some rice out, fresh from the cooker. [color=f26522]"Well, don't mind if I do!"[/color] "Heh. Nice to see you too, kiddo." He was over by the sink, washing a bowl. Guess he already ate. "Oh, by the way. I heard your school will be getting a transfer student. Know anything about that?" Oh, yeah... I'd heard that too. Didn't catch his name when they mentioned it, though. [color=f26522]"Not much. Heard he's coming in from the city. Here's hoping he's not stuck-up or anything."[/color] With the last bit done, I put down my sticks. [color=f26522]"Ah... Tank's nice and full. Thanks for breakfast, Dad. I'm heading out."[/color] "Sure thing. Don't forget about lessons today." Yup. As always, I show up at the dojo for my own studies. Plus, I also tend to chip in with teaching newer students. [color=f26522]"Will do. Catch you later, Dad."[/color] [b][u]4/7 Afternoon - Toroname Dojo[/u][/b] Such a boring day, I ended up just drifting through 'til it came time for lessons. "Alright, remember. It's not enough to have power. If you also practice your speed, your chances will be even higher. Power means nothing if you cannot land a blow." The same lecture again... followed by him charging in and forcing me to try to dodge everything he throws at me. I usually last about a minute before something connects. I'm on the ground again, and he leans over with a smile. "Very nice. You continue to improve." After he helps me up, he gives me a moment to catch my breath. "Now, shall we try again?" After Dad and I finished up, I went to the practice room to work up a sweat. [color=f26522]"Hah! Hyah! Tah!"[/color] Gotta hand it to him. These bags he picked up are extra sturdy. Even going at it with my staff doesn't seem to faze 'em. I went at it for a good twenty minutes before I started to feel genuinely tired. After that, I cleaned up, got dressed and headed for the door. [color=f26522]"Thanks for the practice, Dad. I'm heading out."[/color] He had just finished up a group lesson when I caught him. "Alright, bud. Be back before dark, okay? Call me if you need anything." [color=f26522]"Will do."[/color] Outside, I end up scratching my head while I try to think. [color=f26522]"Okay... What the hell am I gonna do to pass time now?"[/color]