As the man approached Chester with a [i]interesting[/i] offer, the Pirate couldn't help but agree. "That's fine, I've got the money. But, you guys seem awfully sure of yourself." Chester spoke, eying the crackers - as he looked at the crackers, Isaac held one in his hand, but he didn't eat it. "You know, call me a betting man, but I would put money on these crackers being poisoned, or something." Chester said. "In fact, I would put two hundred thousand on these crackers being poisoned. If I eat these crackers, and still win the contest, without mr.scarecrow, over here eating one, you owe me just short of half a million." Chester proclaimed, much to Isaac's amusement. "You hear that Jeko? Kid's absolutely crazy!" The wooden-blade swordsman said with a laugh. "Fine, we'll drink. Barmaid! Bring 10 rounds, for warm-up!" He shouted, as Chester munched down on two of the crackers.