Evelyn found Vat-Katari's demeanor amusing, if a little headache-inducing. [i]Damn it all,[/i] she groaned internally, [i]I really am getting old.[/i] She relaxed her posture slightly, though she remained as formal as ever. Her mother had gone through great pains to carefully refine Evelyn's poise and presentation, and Evelyn was not about to disrespect the old Comtesse in such a way. She took the seat at the table Vat-Katari had motioned to. With a smile and a slow nod, Evelyn replied, "I am Evelyn, adopted daughter of Comtesse Lémieux in Orlais. I was once a bard, and assassin, though as you can see I am older and no longer able to keep up with some of my... younger associates." She hated to admit it, but there it was. It became immediately apparent to Evelyn that she was no longer the masterful bard of years past during her most recent tenure in Val Royeaux with the Red Jennies, when Evelyn began to be repeatedly outperformed by a snarky young elf with an addiction to bees and stealing breeches. Painful as it was to accept, Evelyn recognized when it was time to move on. "However, I am still fully capable for duty, and am eager to take advantage of the opportunity you have presented. I am more than skilled with a bow, and have found ways to compensate for my aging body, so you needn't have any concerns regarding my usefulness in a fight. And besides, I have decades of experience in deceit and murder, much more than you will likely get from any other crew member you may take aboard," Evelyn motioned knowingly at the queue of various rogues and mercenaries that had begun to form behind her. It was a rag-tag bunch, for sure, but that was the cliché with pirate ships, wasn't it? Evelyn noted Vat-Katari had ever so slightly tensed up while examining the ever-growing collection of vagabonds. She had no clue what could unnerve a man of Vat's stature, even if only to the slightest degree, and prepared to react should this meeting go south.