[hider=Jennifer Teller] [center][h1][color=0072bc]Jennifer Teller[/color][/h1] [hr] [IMG]http://cdn-img.instyle.com/sites/default/files/styles/480xflex/public/images/2015/09/091515-alexis-bledel-1.jpg?itok=gGjuY7cq[/IMG] [b]"Is anyone else a bit hungry? I'm feeling Mexican food. Is anyone opposed to that?"[/b] No theme song at the moment. If anyone has an idea, tell me. [/center] [hr] | [color=0072bc][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Jennifer Marry Teller | [color=0072bc][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Jen, Jenny | [color=0072bc][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Mass Jennycide (It's a play on the phrase "Mass Genocide"...Jenny thought it'd make a good Alias...) | [color=0072bc][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | April 13, 2001 | [color=0072bc][b]Age[/b][/color] | 25 | [color=0072bc][b]Species[/b][/color] | It's complicated...Jenny was born a human, and in most respects still is. There's just one tiny little thing that most humans have but she lacks: the ability to die. Her blood has been mixed with that of an alien, and that combination is what has given her her powers. In short, she's a human-alien hybrid. | [color=0072bc][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female | [color=0072bc][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Bisexual | [color=0072bc][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | Neutral Good | [color=0072bc][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Jenny's appearance isn't really anything special. She stands at 5'5", with a thin figure and only slight curves. Her skin is pale, and her body appears as frail and weak. Her nails are short from constant biting, but that's not too noticeable. All of Jenny's clothes are one color: red. The reason for this is not just because red is her favorite color (even though it is), but because bloodstains aren't as visible on red clothing. Jenny's casual wear consists of a red tank top, red leggings, red tennis shoes, red socks, and a read hoodie that's a size to big. | [color=0072bc][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [u][i][b]Deathless:[/b][/i][/u]Jenny just doesn't seem to be able to die. No matter what happens to her, no matter where she was cut, shot, burned, punched, hammered, ect., she seems to be able to heal herself right up and walk away without a scratch. In other words, she has an extremely fast and effective healing factor. | [color=0072bc][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | While Jenny's healing factor is extremely useful power, it is the only thing that makes her special. She's not a skilled fighter, she doesn't know how to fire a gun, and she's not really the strongest person in the world. In addition to the lack of offensive skills, Jenny's healing ability is vulnerable to ice. If a wound gets frozen, then that wound cannot heal until the ice is melted. | [color=0072bc][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | Well, at the moment, Jenny has a phone watch and keys to a rented Volkswagen Beetle. | [color=0072bc][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | -Dorky -Socially Awkward -Light Hearted -Possitive -Clumsy | [color=0072bc][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Due to almost complete isolation from the age of 17 to 24, Jenny lacks almost all social skills. She doesn't at all know how to deal with people, making her completely helpless in a conversation. But despite this, Jenny is willing to try to make friends, even if she ends up failing completely. But while she is socially inexperienced, she is also quite optimistic and positive, two traits she picked up in therapy. She has come to believe that even in the darkest times, a sprinkle of happiness is a giant help. Thus she is rarely negative, even when being negative is appropriate. | [color=0072bc][b]Quirks[/b][/color] | -Due to her powers, Jenny has become a bit of a masochist (not the kind who derive sexual pleasure from pain, but the other kind), often harming herself or getting harmed when not necessary. -She has fairly low self esteem. -She tends to say things before thinking about them. -She gives into peer pressure pretty easily. | [color=0072bc][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | -Sewing (a skill that comes in handy when you have a healing factor but your clothes don't) -Reading (Jenny's a member of a book club, which meets on the first Tuesday night of the month. Currently, they are all reading [i][u]The Book Thief[/u][/i]) -Playing Chess | [color=0072bc][b]Likes[/b][/color] | -Books -Talking to people without actually having to talk to them (I.E. texting, e-mailing, ect.) -Causing pain to herself to make some sort of joke -Food -Shopping for clothes -Getting complimented -Having a successful conversation | [color=0072bc][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | -Talking to people face to face -Cats -Bugs -The cold -Embarassing herself -Spicy things | [color=0072bc][b]Fears[/b][/color] | -Bears -Death, even though, as far as she can tell, she cannot be killed. -Swimming | [color=0072bc][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | New York, NY (born and raised) | [color=0072bc][b]Family[/b][/color] | -Emily Teller: Mother of Jennifer Teller, alive, works as a doctor, powerless. -Edward Teller: Father of Jennifer Teller, alive, works as a biology professor, powerless. -Lily Teller: Adopted alien sister of Jennifer Teller, deceased, more intelligent than an average human. | [color=0072bc][b]History[/b][/color] | Jennifer Teller was born the only child of Emily and Edward Teller. As a child, she was normal. She scribbled with crayons, she played with her food, she cried, she did everything a child should. Then, at the age of nine, her life changed. This change came in the form of a blonde girl who looked to be the same age as her. Her father had found the girl shuffling around the university he worked at. When he began questioning the girl, he discovered that the girl had lost her memory. Half out of kindness and half out of curiousity Edward brought the girl home. After a few weeks of the girl's memory not returning, the Tellers decided to make her part of their family. And thus she was named Lily Teller. Over the years, it was discovered that Lily was a very smart girl, always smarter than anyone of her age group, and it was very obvious that she was the more popular, more loved of the sisters. While many siblings would be jealous, Jenny was not. Jenny was tight with her sister, too tight to let anything as trivial as that get between her and her sister. As far as she was concerned, everything was perfect. Then, when the sisters were 17, all that changed. It was the day after Jenny's birthday, and she had just recieved a new car. Jenny doesn't remember what type of car it was, but it was a nice one. She was taking it out for a spin when it happened. She had a head on collision with another car. She was barely able to survive. Needless to say she ended up in the hospital. The doctors said it would be impossible for her to stay alive. Lily disagreed. When the doctors left Jenny's room, Lily slit open Jenny's arm, then her own hand, and began to let her own blood seep into Lily's body. Jenny healed up pretty fast after that. The doctors said it was a miracle. But that miracle had a price. Lily died only weeks later due to unknown causes. After Lily's death, Jenny became a massive shut-in. She dropped out of school and spent her days browsing the internet in her room. It was such a safe environment for her that she didn't find the power that her tainted blood gave her until she was 20, when she fell in the shower and broke her arm. As you can probably guess, it healed up in a matter of seconds. She ended up keeping her power a secret. After a few years of therapy, Jenny was finally able to go out into the world, get a job, and partially get over the death of her sister. Then, there came a beckoning, which she accepted in Lily's memory. It should also be said that in her years of seclusion, Jenny became quite a semi-celebrity among Tumblrites under the name jennydaviseyes.tumblr.com, famous for her homemade cosplay outfits and equally infamous for the fact that she never actually wears them anywhere. | [color=0072bc][b]Extra[/b][/color] | [color=gray]Pacific Time Zone[/color] Harley Quinn!!!! (Harley's Little Black Book version) This is a High-Casual RP, so I suggest you bring your A-game! [sub]Face Claim: Alexis Bledel[/sub] [/hider] [hider=edit history] Changed inventory from iPhone and pickup truck keys to a phone watch and keys to a rented Volkswagen Beetle. Added to history. [/hider]