[center][h2]Plains of Ire[/h2] [sub]The wreckage of the Z-ATV[/sub][/center] Jäger remained quiet as the Junker spoke the name of his comrade. He must have been delusional from the loss of blood. Jäger’s belief in the purity of knowledge was indomitable; he would not knowingly lead Dan on. Even if Dan could not comprehend what the monk was saying, Jäger would not sit idly by. [color=6ecff6]“Nay, for I am Jäger.”[/color] But his words were unheard by Dan, speaking through blood and smiling teeth. Jäger crouched as the altar before begging men, the flickering candle hearing prayer. Their church was composed of twisted metal. One of them had a bible. Jäger briefly wondered if Kho would accept Dan’s soul into the infinities, into another component of the cosmos. The air reeked of iron but it did not budge the silent Jäger. He merely continued to listen to a dead man’s words. “Luke doesn’t really know we’re here…” Jäger’s eyes twisted and honed in. He hummed and leaned forward at mention of the name, adjustable parts of his plate armor creaking. Luke was the Diver’s leader, he supposed it made sense for most divers to at least know of him. Dan, perhaps Zay, seemed to have a more intimate connection established. Dan would not grant him his request. He would discover through Zay what he wished to say. Jäger’s honed mind, focused on this premise, missed Dan’s final breath. Only the monk’s empty eyes saw his passing. The observation of death was not important. Only that it happened. He lowered his gauntlet now, retracting the unused static crackling between his metal fingers. The dark honed his senses inward. He stood upward unseen as before, armor resting with his stance. He peered over the collar of his breastplate, down toward Dan. He was far too impaled to be lifted. The monk would only mangle the body by removing it. He touched the five points on his armor once again, forming a crude star with his invisible motions. The mention of his name caught his attention, bangs moving with the turn of his head. His blank stare returned to watch Dan for only a moment more, before setting off outside of the Z-ATV. [color=6ecff6]“I will atone.”[/color]