[center][h1]Beauty and the Beard[/h1][/center] [center][i]Austronaut & POOHEAD189 Collab[/i][/center] As the elf continued his tirade, proving himself the very epitome of loquaciousness, Sketti’s left eye began to twitch more and more. Once Baecion was done, all the room was quiet until the Slayer spoke. “Aye. I’mma kill him.” he said, and took a step forward before a slim hand fell upon his broad shoulder to halt him. Biannca felt she could no more stop the dwarf then she might stop an avalanche, but to her shock the engineer slowed, looking up at her with something between surprise and rage. She leaned in close to the dwarf, bending at the waist to bring her lips close to his ears. “More chance of seeing the gold with him along,” she breathed into his ear. Dwarven gold lust was legendary among mercenaries but it was also dangerous if not handled correctly. The slayer squinted somewhat suspiciously as she spoke, but the term gold had him softening. “If he is treacherous, you can always kill him later, before the shares are distributed of course,” she went on with a wicked smile. Trusting on the noise of the chamber to keep her words from the elf's ears. She didn’t really want to kill him but they had to get this mission off the ground before there would be any spoils to scheme over. Sketti Hammerhand crossed his burly arm over his metal appendage and drew in a deep breath through his flaring nostrils. He could feel his gold lust surging through his breast, but he was equal parts pissed at this entire affair. He couldn’t even voice his acceptance of her proposal at first, despite the fact that he was calming down somewhat. It wasn’t fair at all. He was known among his race as being more accepting of others because he generally cared more for his own explosive experiments than wasting time grumbling. He might not have been so against the Elf if he hadn’t already dealt with Grobi. The Slayer turned to Biannca, his squat and powerful form over twice her width, though his forehead reached chest height if she stood up straight. “Fine.” he said, grumbling. His remaining hand pointed to the door suddenly. “But I swear to Grungni, if a Skaven walks through that door and tries to be all buddy buddy with me, I can’t promise that this whole castle won’t go up in flames.” Biancca let out a relieved breath as quietly as she could. She clasped Sketti’s remaining arm, her hand tiny against his dense muscle. There was an odd sinking feeling in her stomach as she considered what working with this fractious crew might be like. On the other hand a few months away from Tilea would be the perfect thing to give her various jilted lovers and their enraged wives a chance to settle down and put away the knives. “Agreed, if a skaven or a lizardman or any other cursed thing joins the party we will all agree to shoot first and ask questions later,” she grinned theatrically and projected her voice to her fellow mercenaries. Sketti looked at Biancca, then patted her arm. “Yer a good lass.” he said, like a proud uncle. “Skinny as all hell, but yer heart is in the right place.” The Slayer turned, and his eyes fell upon Gahetano. He waved his metal appendage at him. At least he/she was a manling. [@Sleater][@BCTheEntity][@Culluket][@Eisenhorn]