So, some updates here: [@Experiment 249], you're being called into question due to lack of posts pretty much. Granted you set your character up in an odd position compared to the majority of the rest of them, and for the most part the "Main" characters won't be traveling in a single group. They can somehow divide into smaller groups or go solo. I'd say four, maybe five per party max. [@Leoven] I get you've got work, and I understand that. But if you can't keep up with the rest, you can stay in the RP, but Manaphy would be opened back up and such. That leads onto my final thing. I'm officially knocking [@Uccello] out as Celebi's Guardian since he vanished (Like many do on RPGuild). Meloetta also currently has no Guardian along with Diancie. The two above are greatly in question, so I've been talking with [@Ninian] about this. In order to keep the story progressing, since it seems to be down to just us and [@Light Lord] posting lately, we will most likely end up creating characters to fill those slots if no one is interested enough to join or people just drop. If we do this and someone comes in and wants a certain Guardian that one of those characters has, there may be a work around unless that character has already met their Guardian. That's the final ultimatum. So those without Guardians such as [@void liege] and [@Ophidian] will be fine to continue as they have been, i'd still like to see some more posts from them, though, as I said above, only me, Ninian, and Light Lord seem to have been posting lately. If you're going to drop or think you might vanish, tell us ahead of time so we know what to do about your characters.