[center][h2][color=silver]Argentglade[/color][/h2][/center] [@samreaper] You made your way to the mart, trekking through the accumulating snow and dragging your boots through it all. Your reluctant Gastly floated close behind, likely enthralled by the lovely weather Argentglade was having. A thin layer of ice was forming over the surface of snow you trudged through, making travel difficult even on foot. This accumulation must have been what Evergreen had mentioned; driving any sort of vehicle on this would be a nightmare. You carved your path forward, amidst scattered footprints and trails that were quickly filled with the falling ice and snow. Finally, you reached two powerful wooden doors, with ARGENTGLADE MART carved into them. With a mighty heave, you pushed them both open to reveal blue, tiled floors strewn with water. A blast of heat caressed your face from the interior. [color=8dc73f]“EYCLOSETHADOORTHARY’KNOW.”[/color] It was hot. Too hot. You spotted three hearths on the opposite side of the store, each roaring to incredulous heights. You noted customers sweating their way between aisles, slowly stripping their overcoats and scarves with each exhausting step. Behind a counter to the left was a giant of a man. He wore a green ski cap, large, blue ski goggles, and a rotund orange snow coat. His green mittens rubbed against the front of his body. An ungodly, grey mustache overwhelmed any semblance of the man’s lower face. It likely garbled his voice too, but you were still deciding if the man was speaking or if he had a horrible cough. [color=8dc73f]“HURRYITUPNOWEH.”[/color] The scratchy voice would attack you until you chose to close the door behind you. Above you was a large sign, secured to the ceiling by a complicated system of metal chains. In red, painted chicken scratch, the sign claimed “ICE HEAL ON SALE!” From what you could decipher from the man at the storefront or any of the customers, the following items were the only ones in stock: [color=6ecff6]POTION: 200 P ICE HEAL: 100 P (3 FOR 200 P!) PARALYZE HEAL: 100 P TM 07 (HAIL): 600 P (LIMITED TIME OFFER!)[/color] [color=8dc73f]“NOPOKéBALLS’MAFRAID.SHIPMENT’SLATE,”[/color] The lard mustache said. Once you had made your purchases, you escaped the arctic sauna back to the relief of icicles against your face. You walked over the silvery hills of Argentglade, following a weakly paved path that might’ve just been your eyes playing tricks on you. With the amount of snow falling currently, it was tough to tell. Though, following some semblance of footprints, and with your expert tracking skills, you’d found the edge of the route. Large, green conifers of all shapes and sizes spotted the edges of the convex valley in front of you. It led downward, in an arc, eventually leveling off to a natural land bridge. The white, snow-laden path shone bright against the rocky stone it eventually came on the other side. On either side of the land bridge was a stagnant ocean, frozen in the current moment. Rogue waves on the edge of glaciers occasionally licked the sides of the path in front of you. Was it always like this? [color=6ecff6]ROUTE 5 ENCOUNTER(S): 1 EACH TRAINER MAY CHOOSE THEIR OWN ENCOUNTER(S): [1) CATCH POKéMON (KNOWN POKéMON: N/A) [2) TRAIN POKéMON [3) RANDOM EVENT [4) OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY. IF ATTEMPTING TO CATCH A RARE POKéMON, STATE EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING.) [/color]