After the rescue mission at the college of Winterhold Tsleeixth had finally managed to regain some semblance of peace. For while the fact that the ages that had attacked the college were still at large troubled him he had, for once since they had to escape from Windhelm, managed to sleep peacefully, despite the storm that had been their constant companion ever since [i]The Courtesan[/i] had reached the College; as such, when the ship began to flood the Argonian was slow to react at first to the danger. “On your feet Argonian, the ship is flooding!” A man shouted as he shook Tsleeixth violently, the Argonian’s eyes opening quickly and in a smooth motion he was out of the hammock that had been his resting place a few seconds prior. “What happened, make sense man.” Said the spellsword, his eyes scanning the hold where everyone was sleeping “And what happened? some of the mages are missing.” He asked once he noticed the absence of some of the mages that the company had rescued. “Apparently the hull of the ship got penetrated by something and we lost control of the ship as well.” Said the sailor as he moved to wake someone else “As for what happened to some of the mages I have no bloody idea, think I heard some of them going to the ship’s deck.” Said the man before he went to warn more people about the imminent danger of the ship's sinking. Grabbing his things Tsleeixth made his way into the deck, just in time to see the dinghy that some of the mages had stolen plummet into the depths of the ocean for a moment before rising once more in an upturned position. He let out a weary sigh at the recent events, his head shaking slightly when he heard one of the few remaining mages pleading for someone to dive into the water to try and save his foolhardy comrades. Luckily the poor mage was soon helped into the boat by Sagax, who then turned his attentions towards getting Do’Karth on the boat as well. Tsleeixth still remembered the Khajit’s reaction while on the dinghy as they made their way towards the College, part of him wanting to help Do’Karth while another part of him, the more cold and methodological part, realized that the Khajit was already being helped by Sagax and that,a s such, his efforts would be better spent trying to get other people into the boat. Letting out a heavy sigh he shook his head and went to help to get other people into the boat “[i]Please, listen to Sagax Do’Karth.[/i]” He thought glumly to himself as he tried to get as many people into the boat as he could.