The last one had formatting but rushing FTW Full Name: Nathan White Age: 28 Race: Human Appearance: [img=] [img=] Personality: Nathan tends to keep to himself but is very passionate about his work. “In a city of billions of life forms, we must stand up to keep the peace” He is known as a great detective and an even better person. Nathan really strives for peace and safety and that’s what drives him in life. History: Nathan’s father was a BESC officer was KIA before he was born, his mother died in child birth. An orphan, Nathan grew up being raised by his uncle and aunt who lived in Babylon. He was raised in a middle class family with nothing much to do but work hard and live life to the fullest, though for a small family in inner Babylon, the fullest wasn’t very much. As a child, Nathan idolized his dead father. He wanted to be an Officer, to uphold the law and stop all those who would do harm to the world. Please do not misunderstand though, these were not the reasons he joined the BESC. These were the small thoughts of a child pretending to understand things he didn’t. By age 19 however, Nathan was strong and tall and most of his thoughts were of other matters. His world was a nice calming one. Nothing went wrong, no murderer attacked him in the street. His world was of peace and sanity, and he had better things to do than worry about his father. This would change. His uncle and aunt were killed in a car crash and Nathan was once again orphaned. He went into a state of depression and started to lose hope in the world. It took 2 years to heal from his wounded state. A hole was left in his world and it was hard to cover up. By the time he was 23, he joined the BESC out of anger vengeance and a small childish hope of being like his father. Please forgive Nathan, he was distraught and uncertain of his place in the world. He could have been a peace maker, instead he became a soldier. There he works, strong fast and with deadly aim. He is a BESC Officer. Occupation: BESC Officer Weaponry: BESC Standard Issue Pistol [img=] BESC Standard Issue Assault Rifle [img=] Augments: Nathan has standard officer augments. Enhanced strength and speed, and stamina Other: Owns a [i]Lazer[/i] motorcycle (I intend to make a group sheet for Lazer Corporations Soon PS: THEY MAKE CARS. Or like hovercars I guess. You know what I mean.)