Jason stood behind Josiah, perfectly content to wait to get his schedule until it was time, he could smell anxiety and apprehension on the various students both ahead and behind him, but, truth be told, he was already proud of how long the line took, most of the time the students were too afraid to ask any questions about the schedule, or too beaten down by fate and chance to do so, Jason empathized with them, for most these 'gifts' as they were often called by the teachers, were more curse than anything else, and many of these new students would be quite aware of this. Although some had more....passion than was actually necessary for their particular statements. "......And what the hell is elemental training. Are they kidding or something?" An angry sounding, highly perfumed, female voice exclaimed as she read through her schedule. "ANCIENT HISTORY WHAT THE HELL DO I NEED TO TAKE ANCIENT HISTORY FOR???" a rather sweaty boy, whose voice was laced with anger and stupidity but whose stance, amount of perspiration, heavy steps, and cracks in his voice screamed a young, rather large boy who was terrified of what was happening and was acting basically on instinct. Lucky wasn't a fan of people being incredibly loud, and could feel the anger building in the room so when the probably large, smelly boy began to shout, so did the canine. Baring his fangs and letting it be known that the boy needed to calm down, Lucky began barking, the large boy turned around and left, going off to be scared somewhere else. "That it will" Jason replied to Josiah, even though it had technically only really been an observation and not necessarily called for a response. Jason chuckled alongside his friend, enjoying the moment, there were so few lighthearted ones at this place that Jason and Lucky had learned to enjoy the ones that actually did occur. Jason chuckled again, less belly more throat this time, as he imagined how the scene must look to those who could see, everybody streaming about, milling, the chaos in the air was so tangible Jason debated taking out a knife and cutting himself a piece to save for later as a snack. However he pushed the notion away, as he approached the desk with the schedules on it and began to feel around for his, it didn't take long, his was the only one that had raised lettering and with Lucky to help him he quickly ascertained where his Schedule was located and picked it, giving a small mock salute to the teacher who was inevitably sitting behind the desk that held the schedules, Jason was pretty sure that the teacher stuck his tongue out at him in response, or at least muttered darkly, but he could never be sure, as being blind will do that to a body. Jason ran his hands over his new schedule, wondering what madness they had enrolled him in this year, it read: 1st: Free Period 2nd: Hand-To-Hand Combat 3rd: Teleportation Training 4th: Swimming - - Lunch - - 5th: Ancient History 6th: Sensory-Oriented Ability Training 7th: Fencing 8th: Free Period Jason was glad about having the two free periods, especially where they were placed, one at the end and one at the beggining of the day, giving him shorter days all the time, he had worried about their not liking his proposal for such a system but apparently it had gone through. Jason sat down with Josiah and Jack/John, and thanked Josiah as he offered to grab some food for Jason. "Sounds like a plan" Jason said in response to the question of he if he would mind watching the twins. Jason smiled in the direction that the perfumed smell of the girl that he had scented earlier was coming from, there was also someone else with her, not the incredibly smelly boy though, he was elsewhere, no this scent Jason couldn't place exactly, or at least not yet. "Hi, I'm Jason, and I apologize in advance for John's behavior, see Jack has split personality disorder, causing him to switch between Jack, the boy that we all love and would take bullets for, and John, the jackass king, but please, don't let John's stunning personality keep you from asking me or Jack any questions you may have" Jason held his hand out, he knew that it could be a lot to take in, especially considering the background that these children probably had, so Jason offered his hand, most considered such an act a rather everyday one, but Jason knew that doing something considered a 'societal norm' sometimes calmed the nerves of new students, and that was all he was attempting to do.