This was such a random inspiration but the idea hit and [url=]Fallen Muse[/url] and myself just rolled with it. The discussion was around Dredd the most recent movie, so other than sharing the same universe it doesn't have much to do with the comics or the original movie. We are not looking for canon characters from the movie or the comic. The story will take place years after where the movie left off and the Ma-Ma Clan had been wiped out completely from Peach Trees. A power vacuum was left behind in the slums where Judges had gone through and cleaned house. One Judge, upon seeing the potential of extreme gain, retired from her post as a Judge and instead of taking [url=]The Long Walk[/url], went back to the power vacuum that was created and started a clan of her own. From here on out the story is fairly open ended, Fallen Muse and myself will Co-GM this story, and we are hoping to find enough people interested in playing up to [b]four[/b] Judges, be they experienced, past their prime, or new recruits. We are also hoping to find people that are interested in playing opposing gangs that have also risen in power to fill the power vacuum. You would be controlling the whole of the gang, so it would be borderline NRP, so this RP really would be a mix of both worlds. Fallen Muse will be playing the ex-Judge, and myself will be playing the gang leader (and subsequently the gang) that said ex-Judge had put together over the years. Mutants are welcome, be as creative and violent as you'd like(as long as it's within guild guidelines!).