[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/iO6hxie.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/j4lgA22.gif[/img] [b]Location;[/b] Dorm Room 4F [b]Interacting With;[/b] [color=palegreen]Tess Galloway[/color][sub]([@smarty0114])[/sub]; [color=b83d55]Dustyn[/color] [sub]([@MissCapnCrunch])[/sub] [/center][hr][hr] As Abe let his head turn around, his body following suit halfway, he fell upon Dustyn. A pretty girl she was. She seemed shorter than Tess here. But damn Abe if he didn’t comment about their overwhelming beauty. Two lovely ladies in the dorm. How did a guy count himself so lucky? “[color=mediumpurple]Ya know, forgive me for saying this, but the two of you are absolutely stunning.[/color]” Abe nonchalantly complemented both Tess and Dustyn. It might’ve seemed odd coming from a guy that they barely met, let alone one that seemed to say that out of the blue, but Abe never did know what was proper timing. He did pride himself in at least showing good manners. Always the one to extend that friendship olive branch. He didn’t shy away from complimenting those that deserved it. Besides, they were all friends here, right? No use hiding things like that, right? Abe sure as hell didn’t think so. Abe took a moment to look at Dustyn and TEss. A thought came across him. Two lovely ladies were here, and wouldn’t it be the best time to get to know two of his fellow demigods? And there was a couch right there. Much more comfortable than just standing around. “Come!” Abe said. Being like he was, Abe Rothschild, with a swift motion, grabbed one arm of both Dustyn and Tess, and pulled them to the couch. There was just enough pull to give them a moment to think about it, but not long as Abe’s strength was impressive. As they would take a seat, with Tess on his left and Dustyn on his right, Abe smiled at both of them, shooting winks at both of them when he looked at the two girls respectively. “[color=mediumpurple]So, tell me about yourselves![/color]” Abe requested. “[color=mediumpurple]We got time to kill, so why not get friendly with each other before the big assembly?[/color]” Abe had a point. Not even long after he said that, his phone started to buzz. “One moment.” He said. He opened his phone and saw it was from his sister. She seemed to not like her new roommate. [center][quote=] [color=mediumpurple][b]To:[color=FBEC5D] Lightning Empress[/color][/b][/color] [color=mediumpurple]Awe, you poor baby. Want to come to my room then? It’s bound to be a lot more fun than whoever you got? Btw, who [i]did[/i] you get? Oh, you can just tell me when you get here. Cya then. <3[/color][/quote][/center] Abe put his phone in his pocket. [color=mediumpurple]Sorry about that. My sister is having roommate troubles. I invited her over. I don’t know if she’ll accept, but who knows?[/color] Abe shrugged,“[color=mediumpurple]anyways, we were getting friendly!~[/color]” Abe shot them another wink and smile. He can’t control himself, can he?