[color=lightgreen][center][h1]Clara Jekyll Moon[/h1][/center][/color] [I]Shuffle[/I], [I] slide[/I], [I] shuffle[/I], [I]slide[/i], and then a [I]groan[/I]. The darker half slowly walked toward the sound at a safe distance, or at least what she considered a safe distance, trying to figure out what was making the sound. Granted that there was only about one thing inside this morbid world that could make a sound such as that. Something rolled forward and tapped on the young woman's foot causing her to look downward. Any normal girl would have done two things upon discovering a severed head, scream their head off or ran the other way which would lead what was down there toward the others. For those who were not quite as brave like Nikki they would have been squeamishness and just back away acting like they never saw anything. Clara wasn't a normal teenager so kicking the head seemed like the best thing that way it would get attacked rather than her. [I] Thump[/I] along with another groan told her that something else was there. The darkness covered up the corners fairly well making the precise shape and size hard to determine yet in a way the girl already knew what was inside the darkness. The real questions were how far was the creature as well as why the undead monster never come toward the noise upstairs. The darker side inched toward the sound again as her knives quietly swayed back and forth on her belt. Suddenly she noticed a small light in the middle of the room lighting up a small section with what looked like a metal chair. As the young woman come closer she noticed there was blood stains on the legs with something strapped inside the seat. The object shifted to the side showing that it wasn't dead but the movement seemed to showed that it wasn't quite alive either. Clara stopped dead in her tracks as it groaned. The chair squeaked as the zombie tried desperately to get up from it's prison, not understanding that the freshly replaced duck tape wouldn't allow it, only to slightly shift the chair to the right. The lighter half would have sobbed at the sight or maybe ran to tell someone depending on which was first. The darker half just shrugged the site off and made her way toward the unknown danger ahead. She moved forward only to hear echos of screams upstairs though the other survivors would have to wait since something jerked the young woman down toward the ground. The teenager gritted her teeth as her arms went up to stop her fall. Once again something pulled her and groaned along with a snapping sound rather close to her thigh. The girl didn't need any light to see what the snapping came from considering the object was cold and slimy. She tired scrambling to her feet though that didn't work very well she was able to scramble out of the pin. Once out the Walker shuffled toward it's prey only to miss the chance to lunge due to something smashing through it’s head. [B]” Well now what do we have here? You're rather pretty ain't ya? I bet you're wondering what I want for savin your life. How about you become mine? I can keep you safe for as long as I never become tired of your precious heart.”[/B] the person said. This caused Clara to laugh until it became hard to breath. She wiped the tears from her opened and closed eye before glaring at the living human being while trying to decide a come back.[color=lightgreen]” You've noticed that you're in trouble as well. I mean if shits like you and this undead was able to come in then it means anything can get in. Though I would disappear before I count down from five since you would make the thousandth person I killed this week or would it be today? I don't remember nor do I care.”[/color] she said with a mad glint inside her eye.