[center] [img]http://sobadsogood.com/uploads/media/2014/03/09/nbfJZnc.jpg[/img] [h1]The Great War Rises[/h1] [i]The date is the 27th of June, 1914. Tensions between Austria-Hungary and Serbia are at an all time high and rumors have it that Serbian nationalist have plans to assassinate Archduke Franz-Ferdinand. The world seems to be on a path to war, a war to end all wars.[/i] [h2]New Technology, New Tactics, More Death[/h2] Sorry for the short description but this should be obvious, this RP starts a day before Archduke Franz-Ferdinand is assassinated OTL (Our Timeline). This RP, like most rps that involve actual historical events, does not involve you creating an app, it just involves you claiming a nation. Nation claiming works like this, you, the person who wants to play, just says the top 3 nations that they want to claim, and if your first choice has not been chosen yet then you get it. (Note, if you pick Serbia or Austria-Hungary you do not have to have an assassination of Franz-Ferdinand happen, World War 1 in some way probably still happens) That is about it for now, you can start claiming nations. I claim the United States of America. [hider=Nation Claims (So Far)] United States = [@TheSage] (OP) Russia = [@bluetommy2] Germany = [@0w0] [/hider] [/center] [h2]How The IC will work [/h2] IC posts will be from the perspective of the character. You do not have to have a specific character for each IC post, you could have it from the perspective of a front line soldier in one post, and the leader of the nation in the other. Even if posts are from the perspective of the character I do want you to provide information on what you construct. Instead of involving turns, I will allow you to just have IC posts from your countries leaders perspective with him/her just stating what moves he wants to make. Lastly, making posts go from the perspective of the character means you have to be realistic, you can't just have the German Empire conquer the UK in 1 post