Shocked was the least he could feel right now, why did Coal threw that gem like that? Even if it’s not magical it could have some DNA trace or fingerprints, Azai could only hope that it wasn’t gone now. He looked at Coal calmly taking a deep breath suppressing his shock and frustration [b]” Coal if you have seen any cop show, you would know that you should not throw evidence like that. Just think it over next time... “[/b] As he walked towards the gem bagging it for evidence [b]” Well we could do that, but first we have to report to HQ and hand out what we found in here. Don’t worry we will know who did this soon enough, so for now let’s check up on Lenya and Max.” [/b] He took a look back at the letters, and they gave him the notion that this was a typical runaway kid, with bad parents the kind that saw their son as a failure for his unique interests, so he must’ve worked hard in any way possible to prove them wrong, but at the end he had given up, and maybe that’s when he acquired his magic and was unable to explain it to them, or maybe he was he had given up on words and decided to action to prove them wrong, yet there is also regret and apology. Azai got to a conclusion as he was walking towards the stairs. Felix isn’t necessarily a bad guy, he seemed more like a guy with concussions but there must’ve been an important point when he decided to go down this path, maybe some kind of influence. Maybe a coven or something like that. But these was all theories but the truth will be known eventually. Just as Azai was stepping forward towards the stairs he felt something strange, using his enhancement to raise his hearing and smell senses he heard someone talking in Hebrew a language he learned in his travels then it spoke in the common language [b]” Hurry Coal, I have a bad feeling about that energy coming from downstairs, and my hunch is very good. Be ready for anything. “[/b] He hurried towards the basement, only to see that it was a shadow but what did it want exactly? It said something about a haunt, Azai looked around with his altered senses and was able to make a quick sweep about what was happening. He saw manga and tomes about advanced magic especially ice magic, tomes he wanted to acquire and learn their knowledge and finally add it to his collection, yet it was a shock that a novice mage was able to do such feat, was it luck maybe? And the manga was also another surprise for him. He saw an alchemy circle on the ground his alchemy equations were not that good, but he could make some sense from it was also a very dangerous magic. This was the kind of magic that he wanted to stop, also making him join this organization. Back to Azai there was a bigger chance for his theory to be right but he didn’t think that manga would be enough to make him do what he did, but that shadow and his portal certainly there was some kind of messed up demonology. Azai finished his sweep in seconds just before he ran towards Max standing in front of him enhancing his mind ready for any sudden moves it could make.