[i]"Prepare to abandon ship!"[/i] Those four words were not ones that Rhasha'Dar was happy in hearing, especially when being woken up by them. These words seemed all the worse when he stumbled to his feet, and noticed the water pooling in the hold. People were scrambling to get above deck and to safety... well, at the very least it was safer than drowning down here, at any rate. Snatching his bag up, Rhasha followed the crowd to the decks, eyes widening in fear as he saw the carnage. The storm was far worse than before, tossing the ship about as a child would a toy. It was truly a miracle they were staying upright... unlike one of the dinghies, which he could see over-turned in the water. He blanched at the thought that people had been on it, and even moreso at the fact that he could end up the very same. He was not a strong swimmer. In fact, he had trouble swimming in calm waters, let alone these monstrous waves that had seemingly spawned from Oblivion itself. Noticing more of the crew heading towards the dinghies, Rhasha overheard Sagax's remark to Do'Karth, who seemed even more petrified at the situation than he was. [i]"We are not helping in the "cats-hate-water" stereotype, it would seem."[/i] He thought to himself as he shambled on over, trying to avoid falling on the slippery and shifting deck. "Sagax! This one would prefer you get in the boat than drown, but if you insist on getting wet once again, take this." Digging into his bag beside the young imperial, Rhasha handed him a dark blue vial. A resist cold potion - it would no doubt help against the icy feeling that would set in one's bones the second they hit the water. He had only two more left... but who to give them to? Clearly, whomever wasn't getting on the boat, but a few - including himself - were dithering. Caught between survival of himself, and the want of survival for his friends. As for Roze, she slept through the call to abandon, swaying quite happily in her hammock and dreaming about starting a dragon breeding farm - except they were the size of rabbits. Sebastian, on the other hand, had awoken immediately and ran after his fellow Mages, telling them to wait in their escape. He saw the foolish desperation in their eyes; it had been the same look when the College had first been attack. Rather than joining them, and unable to convince them otherwise, Sebastian watched on as they cut themselves loose, shaking his head lightly as they met their end. Everything they'd gone through to survive, and they die now. Sebastian did not beg the sailors to try and rescue his fallen comrades like the young injured Breton, instead sprinting back inside to retrieve Roze - who was eventually woken up with a rough shake. "How do you sleep through these things?! The ship's sinking, time to face the shit and get up." Her tired scowl gave way to shock at this, and the young Breton woman scrambled from her hammock, hurriedly pulling on her boots and grabbing her bag and cloak, before following Sebastian back up the stairs. Still somewhat confused in her sleepy-state, Roze frowned at seeing only one dinghy. "I could have sworn there were two of those." She mentioned to Sebastian as the pair looked around the deck, wondering what they could do to help. "There was - the mages took the other one." "Where are the mages?" "Dead." This last word was said grimly, an uncharacteristically hard set to her friend's jaw as he spoke it. Rather than deal with that at the moment - emotional support could come later, seriously - Roze instead turned to Sevine, where she stood clinging to her horse. Going over, Roze offered a comforting smile to her friend. "Sevine, you should get in the boat. I'll look after Asper - in these currents, those strong legs of hers will give her an advantage over us." In truth, Roze wasn't wrong. If it weren't for her spells, Roze would be quite sure she'd drown in the frosty waters. Rhasha'Dar - stood nearby - overheard their conversation, and walked over in agreement. "Rozalia is correct - you would fare better in the boat than beside your steed in the waters." He inputted with a gentle tone - it wouldn't be easy for Sevine to leave Asper, after all. At this, he handed the second resist cold potion to Roze, as she had elected to essentially jump ship. "Keep a hold of these on the boat, would you? They'll just drag me down in the waters otherwise." Holding her knapsack (That had grown steadily lighter at each point in her travels), her quiver, and her cloak, Roze hoped that Sevine would take her advice, and go to safety. She felt a cold pang in her heart at the thought of her friend being taking by the waters. Still stood beside the boat, Rhasha gave the last potion to one of the sailors rushing to plug the hole in the ship, telling him to give it to Leif if he saw him.