So i wrote more about economics and goverment of the Union. [hider=FTSU] Nation Name: Federative Trazkist Serudan Union (FTSU) Head of State: Grand Commisar Henrich Josephen Demonym: Serudian Brief Description: Federal Trazkist Serudan Union was established after the revolution carried out in 1909. The main instigators of the revolution and the contemporary rulers of the country are members of the former Trazkism Party. The main doctrines of the state are the development of the economy, Industrialisation, support for the working folk and most importantly deliverance from private property. The state government is called the People's Commissariat, meetings involve mainly members of Trazkist Party and people from richer working class called Vanguards. People's Commissariat is promoting International Communist Liberation which means they are supporting communist parties and revolutionary groups in other countries by arming them and providing finansial help. The country is large and rich in resources, but still needs to repair the great damage caused by the revolution. Commisariat decided that economy and all it's outputs are going to be ran by state. The Great Industrialism Plan promotes building large complex factories, mines and railoads controlled by state. Farms and small enterprises are still controlled by people but are taxed to provide profit. Private small firms are allowed to sell their products on private market. The Plan also assumes arming people to carry revolutionary slogans all over the world. [/hider]