[i][u][color=deepskyblue]Wyatt Everard[/color][/u][/i] Wyatt waited until Arlo had closed the door, giving a little half wave. Cas trilled in excitement at seeing friends, and rolled more frantically back and forth over Wyatt's feet before stopping right atop of them, looking up at her trainer expectantly. He glanced down and gave a nod. The Spheal squeaked again, rolling in a happy circle around him. Then Cas took off, rolling straight at Arlo's Tyrogue. The corner of Wyatt's mouth quirked just a bit, hinting at some expression that wasn't his usual scowl as the two started to play. Then he looked back up at Arlo. [color=deepskyblue]"Probably,"[/color] he answered, still too loud. [color=deepskyblue]"Knowing those two, they're already halfway to the next town."[/color] Lio was an incorrigible adventurer and Haven only served as a bad influence. Wyatt knew that they likely wouldn't be going on this adventure at all without those two. And he supposed… a small part of him was thankful for that, if only for the chance to escape his parents – even if it meant following after his brother's shadow. But Arlo was the responsible one. The rational one. The [i]sane[/i] one. As far as Wyatt was concerned, it was their job to make sure they stayed alive. Wyatt followed after Arlo, half-running to keep up with the taller boy's long strides. Before long they came upon the girls at the edge of town, sharing a conspiratorial smile with each other. [i][u][color=limegreen]Haven Dao[/color][/u][/i] Haven shared a mischievous smile with Lio as Wyatt and Arlo approached, pokemon in tow. She raised her eyebrows at Arlo, ever the stern, responsible one, and met his look with a cheekily innocent batting of her eyelashes. Teasing him was too fun. She looked back down to Lio as she spoke. [color=limegreen]"Been ready for weeks, kid,"[/color] Haven replied, throwing an arm over Lio's shoulder. Haven knew only a year separated them, but it was hard not to treat her little friend like a younger, idolizing sister. With her youthfulness, size, and the joyful curiosity with which she did everything, she made for an endearing companion – easy to like and hard to not want to care for. [color=limegreen]"Thought I was gonna go grey before [i]someone[/i] finally agreed."[/color] She threw a glance at Wyatt. The younger boy blinked at her for a moment before realizing she was talking about him. [color=deepskyblue]"Hey!"[/color] he shouted, yanking his headphones out of his ears. The kid was gonna go deaf before he was even done with puberty. Vice wiggled his leaves, his own form of laughter. Haven smirked at Wyatt before turning back up to Arlo. [color=limegreen]"So,"[/color] she said, [color=limegreen]"We ever decide? North or south?"[/color] It was hard not to treat the tall boy like he was in charge. He was the biggest, the oldest, a quiet, stable presence in their odd little group. Haven relied on him more often than she cared for. [color=limegreen]"We wanna go through the cave or the forest?"[/color] While there was only one path from Faduli, it forked a mile out. To the north was Ulu Forest, and then Ulu Town. The south lead to Tarrin Cave which let out just before Boken City.