[hider=Victoria 'Tori' Cordelia Herring'] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Victoria%20Cordelia%20Hawthorne&name=akaDora.ttf&size=50&style_color=BFB4FA [/img][/center] [u][center][b]Appearance:[/b][/center][/u] [center] [img] http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34100000/ashley-greene-gifs-ashley-greene-34149335-500-232.gif [/img][/center] Of course Tori is beautiful; not only is she a Hawthorne, she's also a model; not quite the academically impressive career her parents, or her older siblings, expected from her. She stands at 5'4, which is shorter than your average model, but what she lacks in height, she makes up for with an impeccable figure that she works out four times a week and diets constantly to maintain, and locks upon locks of beautiful brunette hair. Not to mention, her endless legs make up about three quarters of her figure, so that doesn’t hurt, either. Victoria’s eyes are a dead giveaway to how she’s feeling; people who know her well can read her like a book, but that’s not a downfall on her behalf, because her emotions are usually verbalised, regardless. She’s never been one for hiding behind false smiles and ‘I’m fine’s. She has an incredibly diverse sense of style; one day she can be a complete girl and dress in pretty pastel colours with soft, natural make-up. The next, her eyes will be lined in kohl and she’ll be wearing a pair of leather pants. Either way, she looks immaculate and it’s hard to find an outfit she doesn’t suit. [u][center][b]Age:[/b][/center][/u] 19 [u][center][b]Grade:[/b][/center][/u] N/A – She graduated last year. [u][center][b]Social Class:[/b][/center][/u] Elite [u][center][b]Social Class Explaination:[/b][/center][/u] As a member of the Hawthorne family, was Tori ever going to be anything less than elite? While she's equally as intelligent and intellectual as her siblings, Tori's ambitions have been muted since she was a young girl; never truly achieving their mother’s approval, she gave up trying. Nonetheless, she's an exceptionally smart girl, her IQ sitting high in the 180's, though she's not as blatant about it as Acacia or Hayden; she gets the grades, but she has an incredibly laid back and careless attitude towards her studies. --- [center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ue7-m-rBOHc/UFKo2nTwCAI/AAAAAAAAEo8/OjUxnyumKSw/s1600/Ashley+Greene+Hot.jpg[/img][/center] --- [u][center][b]Personality:[/b][/center][/u] The name Victoria means ‘Victory; conquest’ and Victoria Hawthorne used to be an ambitious little girl who lived up to her name. She tried her hand at everything and, somehow, always managed to come out on top. From tap dancing to horseback riding to swimming, there was no sport she couldn't do. Academically, she was a wonder, like any of the Hawthorne children; somehow her parents had a habit of producing prodigy's. By the age of eight, Victoria was reading 500 page novels, reciting Shakespearean sonnets and unravelling algebraic equations with the ability of someone twice her age. Victoria has the unmistakable confidence and self-importance of someone who’s been raised to know their worth and knows that they are worth [i]alot[/i]. Literally. Her NET worth is through the roof. But, money aside, Victoria is one of the country’s jewels. She’s charming and charismatic, when she wants to be. She knows how to give people the version of herself that they want; in short, she’s an incredible actress. Nevertheless; she's not one to put on a charade for anyone else. Whenever she's acting in a way that may appear to be slightly out of character, she's always got an agenda, usually one that no one knows about. Even though she's become somewhat of a careless and nonchalant individual, Victoria still posesses the one quality that draws all of the Hawthorne children together; her siblings are her world. Threaten any of them and Tori turns into an animal. You don't want to cross one of her brothers or sisters, older or younger. --- [center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_J6J--S1SGBY/TL8YNrFimbI/AAAAAAAAALw/7Cl_ifqJ70c/s1600/ashlee+greene.jpg[/img][/center] --- [u][Center][b]History: [/b][/center][/u] Victoria comes from old and known money and, like the siblings that came before and after her, she has been in the limelight since before she was born. ‘Hawthorne’s expecting; [i] Again.[/i]’. That ‘again’ was Victoria, and that headline was all over America in the summer of 1994 when her parents announced her anticipated birth. So it was that on February 5th, 1995, Victoria made her kicking and screaming way into the world. Her mother’s immediate reaction when Victoria was born was disappointment; with two sisters before her, Arianna would have much preferred another son. Their father wasn’t fussed either way, but something about this little girl hooked him and throughout her life, whenever her mother was too overbearing, she had her father there. As a child, Victoria found it difficult to impress her mother. Everyone else around her was impressed with her wit and intellectualism. With Arianna, everything that Victoria presented her with had already been done by one of her older siblings and was already old news. And so it was that, while an incredibly smart young lady, by the time she got to high school, Victoria had given up on trying to impress her mother. Her father, on the other hand, always had a smile, a proud acknowledgment and an hour of his time for his fourth daughter. Things at home changed when she started school. They got even worse. She stopped trying and, though her mother seemed to barely notice, her father and her siblings did. They all ganged up on her, or that was what it felt like, telling her that they knew she could do better and why wasn’t she pushing herself harder? Why was she letting so many opportunities pass her by? The truth was, Tori didn’t feel like she was letting any opportunities pass her by; she knew she had the brains to get by if she wanted too, she simply didn’t. She had the money and the ability to go wherever she may like, screw any qualifications that could get her there. However, it got to the point where Tori was skipping classes, she was hanging out with the wrong crowd, she was taking weeks off school to go and do a Photo-shoot in Guam or Tahiti, or wherever they were calling her too. The school decided to pull out the big guns and one evening when she came back from shooting in Mexico, she found a meeting waiting for her. An intervention. Her parents, her teachers and her siblings, all sitting in one room, staring at her, waiting for a reaction. In the end, it was harder to keep up the nonchalant façade than it was to get her act together and get her head down. She passed with flying colours, of course; the highest grades of her year. Once she left school, there were no constraints on her and, without her parents to control her, Tori was free to live her life as she wished. The life of an A-lister. Several months of this bliss passed before her mother decided Tori had had a bit too much fun at her young age, after she did a photoshoot in nothing but [url=http://www.famousanduncensored.com/nitrovideo.com/galleries2/7764-ashley-greene-nude-sexy-scene-photoshoot/7764-ashley-greene-nude-sexy-scene-photoshoot.jpg]bodypaint[/url]. Now, she’s going back to school on a tight leash. And she’s dreading it. [u][center][b]Misc:[/b][/center][/u] [list=1] [*]Her [url=http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02360/Vanquish-1_2360008b.jpg ]car[/url] is an Aston Martin Vanquish in pastel green. [/*] [*]She’s fluent in three languages; English, French and sarcasm.[/*] [*]She’s competed professionally in both swimming and horse racing.[/*] [/list] [center][img]http://www.magxone.com/uploads/2009/07/Ashley-Greene-Nylon-Magazine-6.jpg[/img][/center][/hider]