"I'll let you sleep now." Jackie said gently. She pulled a spare blanket and pillow from storage and handed it over to him so he could curl up on the couch. Last time he had slept in her bed, but it had been a much more questionable experience then this. He was right about Rose, of course. She couldn't settle for less than the adventure his life gave her. She deserved it too. As much as it pained Jackie to see her only child run off with this man, especially since she could die out there. How many times had Rose nearly died? Jackie had no idea. Rose didn't tell her things like that. Jackie sighed and went into the kitchen. She figured she'd have a sandwich for now, have something ready to heat up for the Doctor when he woke up. Rose's shift was only five hours long. She was covering for one of her work mates, so she wouldn't have normally worked that schedule. When she went to clock out she had to explain to her boss that she would be traveling and so wouldn't be coming into work anymore. Her boss asked where she'd be going. "Oh I don't know. Traveling with an old mate of mine. We just wander a bit, end up in some strange places, but it's never dull." She smiled, and left after a round of goodbyes. Rose wasn't worried about never seeing anyone here again. She hadn't gotten all that close to them, and she figured that eventually she'd run into one or more of them just about. It wasn't like she was never in London. Right now though Rose wasn't thinking about what the future with her old co-workers held, but instead of what her future with the Doctor held. She was going to go back out to the universe with him again. See strange stars and planets and meet new people and races. Her heart lifted at the idea. It had been the only thing that got her through that last shift. She was going back into the TARDIS! Finally! She nearly ran the whole way home. Entering the house quietly, just in case the Doctor was still asleep. Rose figured he would be. Jackie had some soup heated up, in expectation of Rose's return.