[img]http://i.imgur.com/Kx2pemG.jpg [/img] [color=82ca9d][b]JACKAL VENTMAW[/b][/color] Location: Prison Interacting with: [@LokiLeo789] I would be dazed in thought as the cell became free of its lock, I could easily escape now however confinement had done its work on my attention span. It took me perhaps 10 minutes to awaken from my lack-of-attention state and by then most of the prisoners, Xerxes, the stranger that freed me had left, with all of the guards focusing on them rather then the unnoticeable who stayed behind. As I made my way out of what remained of the hallways, the sounds of battle grew louder. Amidst the blazing shouts, explosions, screams of soldiers, battlecries, sword clashes, and gunshots, I could hear Xerxes and his devil fruit at work clear as day. Being out of commission longer then my fellow crew mate, the only one who remained of the sunny massacre pirates other then myself, I decided to join alongside him blindly as I had no other one to follow or serve at the moment, let alone what I would do after I escape. Transforming into my massive reptilian form I would leap through the wall and ceiling, reaching the sky as I let out a terrifyingly monstrous roar before landing near by Xerxes Battlegrounds with a debris filled landing and a loud thud. I had entered the fray blindly at aside from Xerxes I was unaware of the exact presences of friends and foes within the area, it could have been likely I landed on an ally or two. Nonetheless I would roar again as the sense of freedom tethered within me a sudden lust for vengeful destruction, flames erupting from my entire body and enlarging the crater I made on the tree branch below me. It was surprising how the branch didnt give way.