[hider=Done] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CI6N560UkAAjeKB.jpg[/img][/center] [sub][h2]⚠[u] The Basics »»»»»[/u][/h2] [indent]basics basics basics basics basics basics basics basics basics basics basics basics basics basics basics[/indent][/sub] [indent][indent][sub]◤ [b]Name ;;[/b] Ezekiel [b][i](L)[/i][/b] & Clinton [i][b](R)[/b][/i] Sinclair ◤ [b]Alias ;;[/b] Rascal & Procyon ◤ [b]Age ;;[/b] 23 ◤ [b]Alignment ;;[/b] Walking the line[/sub][/indent][/indent] [sub][h2]⚠[u] Skills & Weapons »»»»»[/u][/h2] [indent]Ups & Downs Ups & Downs Ups & Downs Ups & Downs Ups & Downs Ups & Downs Ups & Downs Ups & Downs Ups & Downs[/indent][/sub] [indent][indent][sub]◤ [b]Skills ;;[/b][/sub][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][indent][sub][b]Hand to Hand Combat:[/b] While both may excel in close combat, Zeke has proven himself to be more of the born combatant than Clint. He hits with more power and isn't afraid to play dirty at that either, while Clinton hits more often and depends on speed. [b]Stealth tactics:[/b] But despite hand to hand combat favoring his older brother more, Clinton makes up for it by sticking with stealth combat, attacking from the shadows. In most cases, Clinton is also the one who is more meticulous with infiltration tasks. [b]Hand-Eye coordination:[/b] Besides speed, Clinton also focuses on his hand-eye coordination to better his skills. [b]Hand-Eye coordination:[/b] Besides speed, Clinton also focuses on his hand-eye coordination to better his skills. [b]Manipulation Disguise Lock picking[/b] [b]Escapology:[/b] With the exception that Zeke tends to leave subtle trails though.[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub]◤ [b]Weapons ;;[/b][/sub][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][indent][sub]list here[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub]◤ [b]Weaknesses / Limitations ;;[/b][/sub][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][indent][sub] Pride and obstinacy: Is Zeke’s greatest weakness. He has the tendency to think he’s better than everyone else and sometimes even smarter than everyone in the room. This leads to arrogance as well as a sense of stubbornness from him. In terms of being stubborn, he doesn’t easily obey others and in fact dislikes being bossed around, as he likes to take control. If he doesn’t get his way? Don’t expect him to [i]completely[/i] listen to your orders [i]exactly[/i] without bending him to his favor. If you prove him rightfully wrong? Consider him fucking your chances of success up [i]very badly[/i]. Once he complies through some means of negotiation -or bribery-, he takes the credit of things or takes more things. You’re likely to get into a heated argument with him before he accepts -and bends the rules- doing something for you. But if it's a sort of ‘team-work’ thing, be ready for him to give all sorts of hell emotionally as he is sure to irritate those who work with him as personal amusement. >>Clint needs a weakness[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent] [sub][h2]⚠[u] Character Traits & Physical Qualities »»»»»[/u][/h2] [indent]Character & Appearance Character & Appearance Character & Appearance Character & Appearance Character & Appearance[/indent][/sub] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent][indent][indent][sub]Snarky, Sarcastic, Ruthless, Contentious, Vexing { Ezekiel } Strategic, Indifferent, Attentive, Charming, nonchalant { Clinton }[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Stupid gif of Clint (L) & Zeke (R)] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/686ca06baa77794b20f47c3443c2483e/tumblr_nrxgznNohU1rl7jbmo1_500.gif[/img] [/hider] >While the twins may appear highly identical at first glance, it is pretty clear that despite being ‘identical twins’ that they are in fact [b]not[/b] as identical as one thinks. Skipping to having blonde hair and such, their differences are subtle and for starters: Clinton is taller than Ezekiel (6”0 vs 5”11), while Ezekiel has a stronger build than Clinton (which is more apparent when you stare at his face shape as well). They also mirror each other in some ways as well: Ezekial having moles on the right cheek while Clinton has 2 moles on his left cheek, and the two having crescent shaped birthmarks around their belly buttons which mirrors the other as well. Other than that of all the differences, the moles on their faces is more apparent and easier to tell the two apart. [hider=Ezekiel] [hider] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/1cd58b60a6e6f282936bf63961b34ffa/tumblr_nyssmaSvhc1rl7jbmo1_500.gif[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Clinton] [hider] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/e2826b207b60bfb546192d98d039617c/tumblr_ny11zvSAnb1rl7jbmo1_500.gif[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [sub][h2]⚠[u] Biography »»»»»[/u][/h2] [indent]History History History History History History History History History[/indent][/sub] [hider=Bio, Though the bullets are more detailed but short and cut to sentences] [hider=Life in Keystone, Parents, Moving to Gotham] [indent][indent][sub]- Born in Keystone City and raised by a single mother who worked in a diner. Father worked as an architect and lived in Central city, though their relationship was strained due to receiving few visits. - Hardships of mother encouraged them to do better in life so that they can give their mother an easy life in return. Started working at twelve in a local auto-shop with basics like passing tools around to each member before learning how to fix up cars over time. - Fifteen; Received an invite to Gotham Academy. Gotham was surely different than Keystone, but they managed to live alone together. 'Living with dad' actually meant dad buying them a condo and basically leaving them alone with a housekeeper as a substitute parent.[/sub][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][sub]- Being twins their reputation had already been rising.[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent] [b]BRIEF Bio:[/b] The twins were actually born in Keystone city, When compared to it's twin city Central city, it was the [i]exact[/i] opposite as they considered it. While poverty wasn't rampant, nor was there any crime on the loose it was pretty apparent as it was just inferior to Central city in their opinion. For Ezekiel and Clinton they lived with their mother who was a waitress at a local diner called 'Victoria's'. Nothing out of the ordinary, Just a single mother trying to make ends meet with her two kids. No problems either, just a rather mundane woman who tried to display what a good role model should be like. Their father on the other hand was an architect, though it wasn't that he was a [i]complete[/i] deadbeat, The twins simply never saw him as a 'father figure' considering his hectic schedule in Central City which meant few visits. As a father, he always attempted keeping in contact but of course was turned down by his sons. Growing up, Ezekiel and Clinton were exposed to the hardships of their mother and it inspired them to simply work hard for the riches in order to give their mother an easier life. They worked fairly young, helping around at a local auto-shop in Keystone at only twelve (Slowly starting from the most simplest things of passing around tools and learning what to do before actually doing the work at fifteen with a supervision) in order to make their own money as a way of helping their mother. But once they turned fifteen, The boys had caught the interest of Gotham Academy surprisingly due to their perfect academics which never faltered. Of all schools, rather than 'the most prestigious school in Central City' which they currently attended (through public transportation and busses), they had an invite to 'Gotham Academy'. [i]Gotham[/i]. It was hard to let go, But for the best their mother sent them off to Gotham where they would be living with their father (who also done many business in Gotham)for the next few years. Though the three were all aware that 'living with dad' actually meant 'I'll buy you two a condo to live in on your own while I work'. [/hider] [hider=Gotham, Education, and Origins] [indent][indent][sub]- Double the trouble, and while Clinton tagged along to many mishaps his brother caused or planned he was never framed and got off easy while His brother had the image of a delinquent. Their many stunts included pranks (both harmful 'pranking' and harmless pranks), stealing from others, etc. As a result, Zeke was kicked out of Gotham Academy and placed in Gotham high due to having many fight counts with 'stuck up shitheads'.[/sub][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][sub]- Ironically Zeke jokingly enrolled again 3 months after and got accepted and invited back again. Apparently Gotham Academy doesn't look to hard at their applicants. He only stayed for 2 weeks before dropping out of the Academy to go back to Gotham High.[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub]- Although while they pulled stunts on school grounds, their reputation as a 'masked prankster' had become known though fingers were not pointed at them. It was believed to be one person rather than two! Their 'Alternate persona' became known as Gotham Academy's Urban Legend. The things a raccoon hat and tail could get you. But in one 'confiscated footage' it revealed two troublesome tricksters and word eventually went around.[/sub][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][sub]- While it started off as a 'little thing', a small group of students referred to the mystery delinquents as 'Sly & Stray'. Sly because of the yellow/blue coloration and 'stray' because the 'other delinquent' is never confirmed, and rarely seen or heard of if they're partners in crime[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub]- As their alternate, they worked their roles as 'villains' up by working with thugs and joining gangs before leaving with some sort of larger prize than they offer/give to the gangs and thugs. At one point they also encountered Catwoman, They reached good terms and also treat her as their own rival in a sense. Someone to be inspired by, occasionally learn from when they had their encounters, and to feel competitive with. They weren't her sidekicks, and only encountered her at least 4 times in their lives.[/sub][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][sub]As their alternate careers heightened, it was still believed to be one single person rather than two. The twins always did the old fashioned switch-a-roo while one played upfront and the other lurked in the shadows. They occasionally even alternated during the scene without others noticing. So few villains or close thugs of the villains had even witness 'two raccoons'. Perhaps glimpses but upon trying to explain the word never goes through and they simply seem crazy, upping their roles as 'villains' even more higher.[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub]- Because of their scholarly habits (Zeke still attending public school while Clint still attended Private school), They received many opportunities and attended events as well. One of which they met Bruce Wayne when Zeke was Clint's plus one. After that they coincidentally continued to meet this rich billionaire of Gotham a few more times before they earned a full and free scholarship { Zeke wasn't interested at all in going to college but found that it was to late and paid for anyways } and graduated college.[/sub][/indent][/indent] Gotham was certainly [i]different[/i]... [i]Bad[/i]. Crime was pretty much 'in the norm' but apparently rather than brightly smiling Heroes, It was filled with dark and gloomy ones. Nonetheless they learned how to adapt to basically living on their own with a house keeper as a substitute parent, and continued to excel in Gotham Academy, which grew easy on Clinton but not with Zeke. To put it simply, Zeke was intelligent--But not hard-working. Ezekiel was focused through and through and while being twins already gave them a reputation of being known, Zeke had more of the reputation based on trouble. Two was double the trouble, but Clinton had more restraint, even when he did tag along to his brother's many mishaps though it was easier for Clinton to get out of these mishaps than for Zeke. They pulled many troublesome stunts together, especially when it involved stealing from the more privileged and keeping it for themselves or giving it to the poor, Kind of like a robin-hood duo. And that was when two twin thieves were born, In a prestigious academy as a mere 'urban legend' until their roles became known in the 'Batman tales' working with other villains and thugs. Though it was always believed that it was 'one person', there were so few sightings claiming it was actually 'two'. They stole riches from others, it was often given to their mother. Basic things from Tiaras and jewelry to eventually the most complex things such as money transferring. But ezekiel made it through schooling differently as soon as moving to Gotham had happened: He simply cheated and manipulated his way. Nothing to out of it, but he was good with words and heartbreaking. Something his brother tried to change but couldn't. Why couldn't Zeke simply cheat off him? Or tell Clint to do his essays rather than go through the troubles of deceit? Simple, Zeke just liked the chase and drama being caused around him. He could care less and apparently gave him his own sense of superiority of others. Eventually Zeke was kicked out of the prestigious academy for most of his fight counts, including his last one and they found that they could no longer keep him due to the fact that he never made an attempt to change his behavior. That was when one became more privileged than the other, However Zeke had seen and learn more street-wise about the 'real world' than his brother. With good grades, the two had many opportunities open to them and attending events due to scholarly habits. The older twin {Zeke} seemed to have a preference for public schooling while the younger grew more accustomed to the fancier things provided in Gotham. At one point they had met Bruce Wayne on occasion, and it almost became regular by coincidence. They were given full scholarships for their hard work, Funded by no other than Wayne Enterprises and it was expected they graduated clean without any mischief from Zeke's part. They fulfilled that duty at ease while also continuing to up their game as 'Stray' or 'Sly' since it was still believed that the thief which they played was one person. [/hider] [/hider] >[b]Storylines:[/b] [What do you have in mind for your character?] [indent]REPHRASE: These are messy thoughts as notes for now. >Note/TL;DR to self { Main thought}: Twins fighting. Separate alignments. Potential betrayal? reunite or stay their separate ways? [i][s]Twins joining/helping bats of the belfry (obviously)* (correlates/doesn't have to happen as the third idea seems more intriguing and does not follow twin stereotypes) At the end of the day they’re part heroes? Twins fighting to the death before Ezekiel (who was on villain side) accepts joining the heroes (way later) more perhaps, Something where they’re separated due to ambiguous morals and views and thus it causes a temporary strain in relationship.*** Can go many ways. Zeke being the one leaning more towards villainy, Clint being the one leaning more towards heroism. The exception being they both bend the rules either way. They can suddenly have a strong disagreement of some sort (during a crime/robbery thing or a sort of serious war) before abandoning their partner-in-crime ways. This leads to one attacking the other once the other has made a choice of alignment. >Ex. Particularly if Clint decides to help the heroes, zeke sighs as they come to a sort of ‘common ground’ and states,”well business is business.” and attacks clinton who is off guard, giving him the upper hand before running. Leads to them separating temporarily or for good a bit until they realize they still have a connected partnership despite joining different sides. They negotiate terms sort of after all this drama. --Zeke betrays the belfry, attempts to convince his brother and leads to argument before alignments and surprise attacking Clint.[/s][/i] [/indent] [b]Notes:[/b] [anything else you need to tell us?] [indent]--Clint is more tech savvy, it doesn’t mean Zeke is completely terrible at it though nor does it mean Clint is superior in technology compared to overwatch. While Zeke can do certain things too but isn’t comparable to his younger brother’s skill, he finds a ‘plan B’ that would fit his own skillsets more in order to succeed as there is always an alternative method. --It’s clear that Clint is the more intelligent one. -- They merely compliment each other’s skill. -- Other images. http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4ufkaT9DL1qg1e00o1_1280.jpg http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1sr2u26jk1qg1e00o1_1280.jpg ** More to be added [/indent] [/hider]